- Develop in Java 8.
- Use Gradle 7.6.2 as build tool
- H2 Database (in-memory database) is used as the database.
- To see data, you can go to http://localhost:8080/h2-console on a browser
- Download this project and make sure Gradle 7.6 is installed.
- cd into this project and
./gradlew clean build
- Run
./gradlew bootRun
- After seeing success logs, you can send requests to
. (default url and port)
- There will only be three users (no signup endpoint, but you can insert user data to the database directly):
- username: admin, pass: 123, ROLE = ADMIN
- username: m1, pass: 123, ROLE = USER
- username: m2, pass: 123, ROLE = USER
- A simple JWT authorization is added. Please see /signin, /signout endpoints.
- This service provides single signin/singout functions to support viewing a user's favorites
- Three users are populated in the /resource/db/migration files.
- User has its own
The signin API is used to authenticate a user with their username and password. A JWT token is generated on successful authentication, which is then set as a cookie in the response header.
- Request Body:
- username (required, string): The username of the user to be authenticated.
- password (required, string): The password of the user to be authenticated.
- Response Body:
- username (string): The username of the authenticated user.
- email (string): The email of the authenticated user.
- roles (array of strings): The roles of the authenticated user.
- Response Headers:
- Set-Cookie (string): A cookie containing the JWT token.
signout function, will set cookie to empty
- Response Body:
- message (string): A message indicating that the user has been signed out.
- Response Headers:
- Set-Cookie (string): A cookie with an empty JWT token, indicating that the user is no longer authenticated.
get all employees.
- Only ADMIN and USER ROLE can access this endpoint.
- Response Body:
- employees (array of objects): A list of user objects containing information about each employee.
- Response Status Codes:
- 200 OK: Returned on success.
- 403 Forbidden: Returned if the user making the request does not have an ADMIN role.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Returned if an error occurs on the server.
get details of a employee.
- Only signined user can access this endpoint
- Path Parameters:
- id (required, integer): The ID of the employee to retrieve.
- Response Body:
- employee, the object contains employee info:
- name (string): the name of the employee
- salary (integer): the salary of this employee
- department (string): the department this employee belongs to
- employee, the object contains employee info:
- Response Status Codes:
- 200 OK: Returned on success.
- 403 Forbidden: Returned if the user making the request does not have a USER or ADMIN role.
- 404 Not Found: Returned if the requested employee does not exist.
- 500 Internal Server Error: Returned if an error occurs on the server.
create a new employee
- Only USER or ADMIN role can access this endpoint
- Request
- employee
- name (string): the name of the employee
- salary (integer): the salary of this employee
- department (string): the department this employee belongs to
- employee
- Response Body
- employee
- name (string): the name of the employee
- salary (integer): the salary of this employee
- department (string): the department this employee belongs to
- employee
update an employee
- Only USER or ADMIN role can access this endpoint
- Path parameter:
- employee_id (required, integer): the employee id of the employee you want to update.
- Request
- employee
- name (string): the name of the employee
- salary (integer): the salary of this employee
- department (string): the department this employee belongs to
- employee
- Response Body
- employee
- name (string): the name of the employee
- salary (integer): the salary of this employee
- department (string): the department this employee belongs to
- employee
delete an employee
- Only ADMIN role can access this endpoint
- Path parameter:
- employee_id (required, integer): the id of the employee to be deleted
- Response Status Codes:
- 200 OK: Returned on success.
- Can add redis for caching.
- Can use MySQL instead of H2 memory database.
- Can do session on server side.
- Can add an API gateway as reverse proxy.