
Input/Output chapter 9 has path commands that throw errors in windows

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Referring the the Cell numbers as in the PFF second edition, chapter 9.

Cell 8: ll Spath*
ll is possibly intended to refer to a python module/library, but if so it has not been declared.
$path* fails as a Syntax error at the $.
There are multiple occurrences of this case in the notebook.

Cell 25: Code in the Notebook differs from that in the Book.
Book has: !rm -f $path*
Notebook has: get_ipython().system('rm -f $path*')
However, !rm -f appears to be a linux system command. [Windows: del /f {path/filename}
The path variable intended by $path* has not been successfully declared, due the Cell 8 issue.

Some guidance on how both of these are supposed to work in windows would be appreciated.