
Pure Ruby GeoIP2 MaxMind DB reader.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Pure Ruby GeoIP2 MaxMind DB reader, which doesn't require libmaxminddb.

You can find more information about the GeoIP2 database here.

Gem Version Build Status Code Climate


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'maxminddb'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install maxminddb


db = MaxMindDB.new('./GeoLite2-City.mmdb')
ret = db.lookup('')

ret.found? # => true
ret.country.name # => 'United States'
ret.country.name('zh-CN') # => '美国'
ret.country.iso_code # => 'US'
ret.city.name(:fr) # => 'Mountain View'
ret.subdivisions.most_specific.name # => 'California'
ret.location.latitude # => -122.0574
ret.to_hash # => {"city"=>{"geoname_id"=>5375480, "names"=>{"de"=>"Mountain View", "en"=>"Mountain View", "fr"=>"Mountain View", "ja"=>"マウンテンビュー", "ru"=>"Маунтин-Вью", "zh-CN"=>"芒廷维尤"}}, "continent"=>{"code"=>"NA", "geoname_id"=>6255149, "names"=>{"de"=>"Nordamerika", "en"=>"North America", "es"=>"Norteamérica", "fr"=>"Amérique du Nord", "ja"=>"北アメリカ", "pt-BR"=>"América do Norte", "ru"=>"Северная Америка", "zh-CN"=>"北美洲"}}, "country"=>{"geoname_id"=>6252001, "iso_code"=>"US", "names"=>{"de"=>"USA", "en"=>"United States", "es"=>"Estados Unidos", "fr"=>"États-Unis", "ja"=>"アメリカ合衆国", "pt-BR"=>"Estados Unidos", "ru"=>"Сша", "zh-CN"=>"美国"}}, "location"=>{"latitude"=>37.419200000000004, "longitude"=>-122.0574, "metro_code"=>807, "time_zone"=>"America/Los_Angeles"}, "postal"=>{"code"=>"94043"}, "registered_country"=>{"geoname_id"=>6252001, "iso_code"=>"US", "names"=>{"de"=>"USA", "en"=>"United States", "es"=>"Estados Unidos", "fr"=>"États-Unis", "ja"=>"アメリカ合衆国", "pt-BR"=>"Estados Unidos", "ru"=>"Сша", "zh-CN"=>"美国"}}, "subdivisions"=>[{"geoname_id"=>5332921, "iso_code"=>"CA", "names"=>{"de"=>"Kalifornien", "en"=>"California", "es"=>"California", "fr"=>"Californie", "ja"=>"カリフォルニア州", "pt-BR"=>"Califórnia", "ru"=>"Калифорния", "zh-CN"=>"加利福尼亚州"}}]}

Even if no result could be found, you can ask for the attributes without guarding for nil:

db = MaxMindDB.new('./GeoLite2-City.mmdb')
ret = db.lookup('')
ret.found? # => false
ret.country.name # => nil
ret.to_hash # => {}

For testing or other purposes, you might wish to treat localhost IP addresses as some other address - an external one. You can do this by assigning the desired external IP address to the attribute local_ip_alias:

db = MaxMindDB.new('./GeoLite2-City.mmdb')
ret = db.local_ip_alias = ''
ret = db.lookup('')
ret.found? # => true
ret.country.name # => 'United States'
ret.to_hash.empty? # => false

It's also possible to access the database metadata.

db = MaxMindDB.new('./GeoLite2-City.mmdb')
db.metadata['build_epoch'] # => 1493762948
db.metadata # => {"binary_format_major_version"=>2, "binary_format_minor_version"=>0, "build_epoch"=>1493762948, "database_type"=>"GeoLite2-City", "description"=>{"en"=>"GeoLite2 City database"}, "ip_version"=>6, "languages"=>["de", "en", "es", "fr", "ja", "pt-BR", "ru", "zh-CN"], "node_count"=>3678850, "record_size"=>28}

Regarding thread safety

A MaxMindDB instance doesn't do any write operation after it is created. So we can consider it as an immutable object which is 'thread-safe'.

File reading strategies

By default, MaxMinDB.new will read the entire database into memory. This makes subsequent lookups fast, but can result in a fairly large memory overhead.

If having a low memory overhead is important, you can use the LowMemoryReader by passing a file_reader argument to MaxMindDB.new. For example:

db = MaxMindDB.new('./GeoLite2-City.mmdb', MaxMindDB::LOW_MEMORY_FILE_READER)
ret = db.lookup('')

The LowMemoryReader will not load the entire database into memory. It's important to note that for Ruby versions lower than 2.5.0, the LowMemoryReader is not process safe. Forking a process after initializing a MaxMindDB instance can lead to unexpected results. For Ruby versions >= 2.5.0, LowMemoryReader uses File.pread which works safely in forking environments.


  1. Fork it ( http://github.com/yhirose/maxminddb/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request