
The dotfiles to kickstart the development settings for your workstation

Primary LanguageShell

Speed up your dots

Designed for simplicity and productivity to aggregate all the necessary configurations under version control


source setup.sh

What's inside?

  • Command alias (dots/.alias)
  • Git alias (dots/.gitconfig)
  • Vim's preferences (dots/.vimrc)
  • Optimized OSX settings (setup/osx.sh)
    • Set a blazingly fast keyboard repeat rate
    • Avoid automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use
    • Disable auto-correct, smart quotes, smart dashes
    • Disable the warning when changing a file extension
    • Allow text selection in Quick Look
    • Minimize windows into their application’s icon
  • Trasform your terminal (setup/terminal.sh)
    • Zsh: The empowered shell by the developer communities
    • oh-my-zsh: The most prominent plugins for Zsh
    • fzf: An extremely fast file finder, written in Go
    • z: Jump around directories with ease
    • zsh-completions: Auto complete for Zsh
    • zsh-autosuggestions: Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh
    • zsh-syntax-highlighting: Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh
    • pure: Pretty, minimal and fast Zsh prompt
  • Equip your weapons (setup/tools.sh)
    • ccat: Colorizing cat
    • exa: Replacement for 'ls' written in Rust
    • diff-so-fancy: Make your diff's human readable instead of machine readable
    • public-ip-cli: Get your public IP address with the command public-ip
    • internal-ip-cli: Get your internal IP address with the command internal-ip
    • speed-test: Test your internet connection speed and ping using speedtest.net from the CLI
    • tree: Show the folder structure like a tree
    • git-recall: An interactive way to peruse your git history from the terminal


Take a look inside setup.sh and ./dots
