
독서에 관심이 많은 이들을 위해 간단한 후기를 남기거나 의견을 나누고 독서클럽을 구할 수 있는 웹애플리케이션 개발(2020.06.23 ~ 2020.07.17)

Primary LanguageJava


2020.06.23 ~ 2020.07.17

What is Bookie?

 This Repository is about 'Bookie'(go to Bookie).
For those who are interested in reading, after reading a book, they can leave simple texts or ask and answer each other's questions, and through the reading club bulletin board, you can find a reading club and recruit club members.

We use ...

  • Framworks
    • Spring STS 5.2.5
    • Spring MVC
    • Spring Security
    • MyBatis
    • Hibernate
    • Bootstrap 3
  • Server : Apache Tomcat 9.0.25
  • Build : Maven
  • Library : Lombok, Jacskon
  • Database : MySQL
  • APIs
    • Kakao Login API
    • Java Mail API
    • Cool sms Message API
    • JDBC
    • Summernote
  • Language
    • Java IDK 1.8
    • HTML5
    • CSS
    • JavaScript 1.8.5
    • JQuery 3.5.1

We are ...