
Undergraduate final-year individual project. Raspberry Pi as the emulation of point machine.

Primary LanguagePython

Undergrad Final Year Project: IoT Maintenance on Railway Point Machine

Real-time maintenance system based on MCSA algorithm for predictive maintenance on railway point machines proposed. It is a practical solutions to real-world railway problems, benefiting railway duty operators and maintainers on railway point machines.
This is the Raspberry Pi side of this project.

System diagram
System Architecture of the complete system.


Before running this project, please ensure that you have the following:

  1. Python installed on your system.
  2. An active cloud ODBC SQL Server with the necessary database and credentials.

This project relies on a cloud ODBC SQL Server for real-time update. To successfully run and use this project, make sure you have access to a valid ODBC SQL Server instance.

If you don't have an ODBC SQL Server, you can download and install the ODBC Driver for SQL Server.

Caution: ODBC driver does not support 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS

After downloading the driver, run the following script.

  pip install pyodbc

Database structure
Example database structure


Video demo on my personal website.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/yhmyhm0910/UG_FinalYearProject-RaspberryPi

Go to the project directory

  cd UG_FinalYearProject-RaspberryPi

Run the script

  python3 insertData.py