Automated Forecasting With R/shiny

v. 0.79

This project is still in an early stage. It was developed in my spare time as tool to pull macroeconomic data, visualize it, and illustrate some simple forecasting techniques. All is done with R/RStudio/shiny.

Some of the features currently implemented are:

  • The latest macroeconomic data for various countries can be visualized to get a snapshot of current developments.

  • Simple forecasts illustrate possible ranges for future macroeconomic outcomes;

  • Dropbox integration allows tracking updates to forecasts;

  • Twitter integration - done with a separate process - automatically posts on Twitter ( if new data is released;

  • The tool is fully automated; the data is automatically refreshed and the commentary is auto-generated.

  • Note that since v. 0.7 increased used is made of a separate (local) process to generate a data file, as it took simply too long to download the data "on the fly". If anyone's interested in the HTML files used under the tab "Detailed Analysis", feel free to contact me.

Future enhancements will explore a richer data environment with better forecasting models, and better visual presentation of the data.

As the focus lies on automation, the econometric models are very simplistic, and the forecasts should not be taken too seriously. Also, since I'm still trying to find my way around R, the code is clearly anything but perfect (I'd characterize it as "effective", though not necessarily "efficient").