
Use toolchain in IBM Cloud to run CI/CD for kfp-tekton

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

IBM Cloud Toolchain for kfp-tekton

We use the "Develop a Kubernetes app" toolchain to enable CI/CD testing for kfp-tekton.


The toolchain is bound to an IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS) cluster and runs the following in a delivery pipeline:

  1. Pull the latest commit from github
  2. Run unit tests
  3. Build docker images and push to IBM Cloud Registry
  4. Deploy tekton and kfp-tekton to IKS
  5. Run e2e tests (submit a pipeline, check endpoints, etc)
  6. Remove tekton and kfp-tekton

Custom Docker Image

In order to build, test, deploy, etc... within the pipeline, we use a Custom Docker Image to package all the requisite build and runtime dependencies. The pipeline takes as input the Dockerfile, which contains:

  • Node.js
  • Go
  • kubectl
  • kustomize
  • helm2
  • heml3
  • jq
  • ibmcloud

Run the following command to build the image:

docker build -t pipeline-base-image -f Dockerfile .

Or you can build and push the image to ibm cloud container registry:

ibmcloud cr build -f Dockerfile --tag <registry_url>/<namespace>/pipeline-base-image:<image tag> .

Replace the registry url, namespace, image tag, and even the image name as needed.

Note: You can also use docker arguments to specify the version of Node.js, Go, kubectl, heml2, heml3, etc. Check the ARG in Dockerfile to see the details.


When running jobs in a pipeline, you can source an external shell script. For example:

source <(curl -sSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yhwang/kfp-tekton-toolchain/main/scripts/run-test.sh")

The following scripts are used within the pipeline:

  • run-test.sh
    • Runs kfp-tekton's unit tests.
  • build-image.sh
    • Cleans up kfp-tekton docker images in the container registry and builds the kfp-tekton docker images: api-server, persistenceagent, metadata-writer, and scheduledworkflow.
    • The environment variables DOCKER_FILE, DOCKER_ROOT, IMAGE_NAME must be specified properly. For example, use DOCKER_FILE=backend/Dockerfile and IMAGE_NAME=api-server to build the api-server image. It also needs some variables from run-test.sh script. The script only builds one image according to the DOCKER_FILE and IMAGE_NAME specified. In order to build all the images, you need to create multiple jobs and assign different values for those environment variables.
  • deploy-tekton.sh
    • Deploys tekton to the cluster.
  • deploy-kfp-tekton.sh
    • Creates the kubeflow namespace and deploys kfp-tekton to the cluster.
  • e2e.sh
    • Runs an "end-to-end" test. The flip coin pipeline is used. The pipeline is uploaded to kubeflow, executed, and checked for a passing result.
  • undeploy-kubeflow.sh
    • Deletes the kubeflow deployment and cleans up any related resources.
  • undeploy-tekton.sh
    • Deletes the tekton deployment and cleans up any related resources.

These scripts store variables into ${ARCHIVE_DIR}/build.properties which could be used by the subsequent jobs in the next stage. You need to specify build.properties as a property file in the Environment properties tab.



The toolchain is bound to XXX cluster.

The toolchain executes every XXX.

The toolchain outputs job updates to this slack channel.