
Ansible Role - Server Ping (Pings a targeted host to test connectivity)

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Testing Ping

Ping Test



Ansible Install for Ubuntu

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get install ansible

Role Installation

ansible-galaxy install kennashka.ansible_testing_ping

Configure hosts file and verify/edit hosts in main.yml if needed

  1. Replace (12.345.678.90) with your target server ip/domain address in hosts file
  2. Add the file location to ssh pem key in hosts file (ex. ansible_ssh_private_key_file= directory/location/to/your/pem/key/file)
  3. Verify/edit hosts in main.yml if needed


ansible-playbook -i ./hosts tasks/main.yml