
Simple Docker Compose to load gpt4all (Llama.cpp) as an API and chatbot-ui for the web interface. This mimics OpenAI's ChatGPT but as a local instance (offline).

Primary LanguagePython


Simple Docker Compose to load gpt4all (Llama.cpp) as an API and chatbot-ui for the web interface. This mimics OpenAI's ChatGPT but as a local instance (offline).

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 10 40 40 PM

Clone the repositor (with submodules)

git clone https://github.com/mkellerman/gpt4all-ui.git
cd gpt4all-ui

Copy your Models in the workspace

Models should be copied to models folder in the root of the gpt4all-ui folder.

If you have your models located somewhere else, you can create a alias (link) to your folder.

ln -s /Users/Me/Documents/Models models

Start it up

docker-compose up -d

And open http://localhost:3000


chatboi-ui (web): https://github.com/mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui

llama-cpp-python (api): https://github.com/abetlen/llama-cpp-python