OSDI'20 artifact evaluation #28

This is the artifact evaluation submission #28 for our paper "Byzantine ordered consensus without Byzantine oligarchy".


We made 4 claims which can be found in Figure 3 of our submission. We copy-and-paste them here.

  • claim1: Archipelago achieves higher throughput than its baselines at the cost of increased latency (latencies are competitive when batching commands).

  • claim2: Archipelago’s throughput degrades similarly to its baselines when n increases, but Archipelago can scale up each node for higher throughput.

  • claim3: Archipelago incurs modest network overheads over its baselines.

  • claim4: A geo-distributed deployment increases latencies, but Archipelago’s peak throughput remains similar to a single datacenter setting.


Update: the latest repos are here: https://github.com/Pompe-org

We implemented 2 artifacts validating the claims.

  • Archipelago-HotStuff: the git repo is here. Please read its default README.md for instructions and contact Yunhao Zhang (yz2327@cornell.edu) for any questions about this artifact. This artifact validates all claims.

  • Archipelago-Concord: the git repo is here. Please switch to the add_archipelago branch and read eval/README.md for instructions. Contact Qi Chen (cheqi@microsoft.com) for any questions about this artifact. This artifact only validates the first two claims.