
A online chat web application that allows users to sign in/sign up, update profile, search users, create channels, and chat in real-time.

Primary LanguageGo

A online chat web application that allows users to sign in/sign up, update profile, search users, create channels, and chat in real-time

Core Technologies

API Server

  • Go
  • Node.js
  • Docker
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • Reddis
  • RabbitMQ
  • Websocket
  • Concurrent programming with Mutex and channels


  • Implemented user login with HTTPS Auth, Middleware, credential/session encryption with bcrpt and hmac
  • Modelled and trained a NPL chatbot using Wit.ai and created a Node.js microservice that handles user’s chat-related questions
  • Enabled Websocket for real-time notification with Concurrency using goroutine, go channel, and Mutex Lock
  • Deployed the go and Node servers and web client using Docker and Digital Ocean
  • Suggest-as-you-type searching (Trie implementation)
  • Dynamic service discovery
  • Allow users to react to a message using an emoji.
  • Detect weak passwords during sign-up
  • Automatically generates page summary if a message contains links

Software Architecture

Software Architecture