On-demand Storm Surge Model Infrastructure

AWS On-Demand

This workflow uses ERA5 atmospheric forcing from Copernicus project for hindcast mode.

In case images are being rebuilt, to upload Docker images to the ECR, first login to AWS ECR for docker when your AWS environment is set up.

aws ecr get-login-password --region <REGION> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<REGION>.amazonaws.com

** IMPORTANT ** In this document it is assumed that no infrastructure has been set up before hand. If this repo is being used as a part of a collaboration, please check with the "admin" who originally sets it up for the project in order to avoid overriding existing infrastructure.

The infrastructure set up at this point is not intended to be used by multiple people on the same project. One "admin" sets it up and then the rest of the collaborators can use Prefect to launch jobs

Also the names are not yet dynamic. Meaning that for separate projects user need to modify names in Terraform file by hand! In later iterations this issue will be addressed!

Setting up accounts

To be able to administer the On-Demand workflow on AWS, first you need to setup your accounts


Make sure you added MFA device in the AWS account. Then create a API key. From AWS Console, go to "My Security Credentials" from the pull-down and then create "access key". Make sure you note what your access key is. This will be used later in setting up the environment. (refer to AWS documentation)


You need to create a Prefect account.

After creating the account create a project named ondemand-stormsurge. You could also collaborate on existing project in other accounts if you're added as collaborator to the team on Prefect.

Create an API key for your account. Note this API key as it is going to be used when setting up the environment.

Setting up the environment

Next to use the infrastructure you need to setup the local environment correcly:


Only on a trusted machine Use aws configure to configure your permanent keys. This includes

  • permanent profile name
  • aws_access_key_id
  • aws_secret_access_key
  • mfa_serial
  • region=us-east-1

Using aws-cli execute the following code (replace the parts in the brackets < and >, also remove the brackets themselves)

# aws --profile <PERM_PROFILE_NAME> sts get-session-token --serial-number arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT#>:mfa/<AWS_IAM_USERNAME> --token-code <6_DIGIT_MFA_PIN>

If everything is setup correctly, you'll receive a response with the following items for a temporary credentials:

  • AccessKeyId
  • SecretAccessKey
  • SessionToken
  • Expiration

Note that temporary credentials is required when using an AWS account that has MFA setup.

Copy these (the first 3) values into your ~/.aws/credentials file. Note that the the values should be set as the following in the credentials file

[temp profile name]
aws_access_key_id = XXXXXXXXXXXXX
aws_secret_access_key = XXXXXXXXXXXXX
aws_session_token = XXXXXXXXXXXXX

also set these values in your shell environment as (later used by ansible and prefect):


also for RDHPCS


and for ERA5 Copernicus

export CDSAPI_URL=https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api/v2

Now test if your environment works by getting a list of S3 buckets on the account:

aws s3api list-buckets

You will get a list of all S3 buckets on the account

For Prefect

The environment for Prefect is setup by authenticating your local client with the API server (e.g. Prefect cloud) using:

prefect auth login --key API_KEY


Using conda create a single environment for Terraform, Prefect, and Ansible using the environment file. From the repository root execute:

conda env create -f environment.yml


Create a keypair to be used for connecting to EC2 instaces provisioned for the workflow.


The workflow backend setup happens in 3 steps:

  1. Terraform to setup AWS infrastructure such as S3 and manager EC2
  2. Ansible to install necessary packages and launch Prefect agents on the manager EC2
    • Since temporary AWS credentials are inserted into the manager EC2 the Ansible playbook needs to be executed when credentials expire
  3. Prefect to define the workflow and start the workflow execution

Step 1

Currently part of the names and addresses in the Terraform configurations are defined as locals. The rest of them need to be found and modified from various sections of the Terraform file for different projects to avoid name clash on the same account.

In the locals section at the top of main.tf modify the following:

  • pvt_key_path = "/path/to/private_key" used to create variable file for Ansible
  • pub_key_path = "/path/to/public_key.pub" used to setup EC2 SSH key
  • dev = "developer_name" developer name later to be used for dynamic naming

In the provider section update profile to the name of the temporary credentials profile created earlier

After updating the values go to terraform/backend directory and call

terraform init
terraform apply

Verify the changes and if correct type in yes. After this step the Terraform sets up AWS backend and then creates two variable files: One used by Ansible to connect to manager EC2 (provisioned by Terraform) and another for Prefect.

Now that the backend S3 bucket is provisioned go up to terrafrom directory and execute the same commands for the rest of the infrastructure.

Before applying the Terraform script, you need to set account_id and role_prefix variables in terraform.tfvars file (or pass by -var="value" commandline argument)

terraform init
terraform apply

Note that the Terraform state file for the system backend is stored locally (in backend directory), but the state file for the rest of the system is encrypted and stored on the S3 bucket defined in backend.tf.

Step 2

Now that the backend is ready it's time to setup the manager EC2 packages and start the agents. To do so Ansible is used. First make sure that the environment variables for AWS and Prefect are set (as described in the previous section), then go to the ansible directory in the root of the repo and execute

conda activate odssm
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory ./playbooks/provision-prefect-agent.yml

Note that Prefect agent Docker images are customized to have AWS CLI installed. If you would like to further modify the agent images, you need to change the value of image for the "Register ..." Ansible-tasks.

Wait for the Playbook to be fully executed. After that if you SSH to the manager EC2 you should see 3 Prefect agents running on Docker, 1 local and 2 ECS.

Note that Currently we don't use Prefect ECS agents and all the logic is executed by the "local" agent. Later this might change when Prefect's ECSTask's are utilized.

Step 3

Now it's time to register the defined Prefect workflow and then run it. From the shell environment. First activate the prefect Conda environment:

conda activate odssm

Then go to prefect directory and execute:

python workflow/main.py register

This will register the workflow with the project in your Prefect cloud account. Note that this doesn't need to be executed everytime.

Once registered the workflow can be used the next time you set up the environment. Now to run the workflow, with the prefect Conda environment already activated, execute:

prefect run -n end-to-end --param name=<STORM> --param year=<YEAR>

For the Ansible playbook to work you also need to set this environment variable:



As mentioned before, current workflow is not designed to be set up and activated by many users. For backend, one person needs to take the role of admin and create all the necessary infrastructure as well as agents and AWS temporary authentication. Then the Prefect cloud account whose API key is used in the backend setup can start the process.

Also note that for the admin, after the first time setup, only the following steps need to be repeated to update the expired temporary AWS credentials:

  • Setting AWS temporary credentials locally in ~/.aws/credentials
  • Setting AWS temporary credentials in local environment
  • Setting API key in local environment
  • Executing Ansible script

Note that the person executing the Ansible script needs to have access to the key used to setup the EC2 when terraform was executed.

If the role of admin is passed to another person, the tfstate files from the current admin needs to be shared with the new person and placed in the terraform directory to avoid overriding.

The new admin can then generate their own keys and the Terraform script will update the EC2 machine and launch templates with the new key.

The static S3 data is duplicated in both AWS infrastructure S3 as well as PW S3.

Dockerfiles created for on-demand project


Install Docker and Docker-compose on your machine. Usually Docker is installed with sudo access requirement for running containers

To test if your environment is setup correctly

Either inside main branch test the Docker image for fetching hurricane info

In info/docker directory

sudo docker-compose build

modify info/docker-compose.yml and update the source to an address that exists on your machine.

Then call

sudo docker-compose run hurricane-info-noaa  elsa 2021

This should fetch the hurricane info for the hurricane specified on the command line. The result is creation of windswath and coops_ssh directories with data in them as well as empty mesh, setup, and sim directories inside the address specified as source in the compose file.

To test the full pipeline

First, setup the environment variables to the desired hurricane name and year. You can also configure this in main/.env file, however if you have the environments set up, they'll always override the values in .env file

export HURRICANE_NAME=elsa
export HURRICANE_YEAR=2021

Update source addresses in main/docker-compose.yml to match existing address on your machine. Note that each service in the compose file has its own mapping of sources to targets. Do not modify target values. Note that you need to update all the source values in this file as each one is used for one service or step.

To test all the steps, in addition to this repo you need some static files

  • Static geometry shapes (I'll provide base_geom and high_geom)
  • GEBCO DEMs for Geomesh
  • NCEI19 DEMs for Geomesh
  • TPXO file h_tpxo9.v1.nc for PySCHISM
  • NWM file NWM_channel_hydrofabric.tar.gz for PySCHISM

Then when all the files and paths above are correctly set up, run

sudo -E docker-compose run hurricane-info-noaa  

Note that this time no argument is passed for hurricane name; it will be picked up from the environment.

After this step is done (like the previous test) you'll get a directory structure needed for running the subsequent steps.

Now you can run ocsmesh

sudo -E docker-compose run ocsmesh-noaa

or you can run it in detached mode

sudo -E docker-compose run -d ocsmesh-noaa

When meshing is done you'll see mesh directory being filled with some files. After that for pyschism run:

 sudo -E docker-compose run pyschism-noaa

or in detached mode

sudo -E docker-compose run -d pyschism-noaa

When pyschism is done, you should see <hurriance_tag>/setup/schism.dir that contains SCHISM. In main/.env update SCHISM_NPROCS value to the number of available physical cores of the machine you're testing on, e.g. 2 or 4 and then run:

sudo -E docker-compose run -d schism-noaa


  • Pringle, W. J., Mani, S., Sargsyan, K., Moghimi, S., Zhang, Y. J., Khazaei, B., Myers, E. (January 2023). Surrogate-Assisted Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification for Hurricane-Surge Coastal Flood Model Hindcasts [Conference presentation]. American Meteorological Society 103rd Annual Meeting 2023, Denver, CO

  • Moghimi, S., Seroka, G., Funakoshi, Y., Mani, S., Yang, Z., Velissariou, P., Pringle, W. J., Khazaei, B., Myers, E., Pe'eri S. (January 2023). NOAA National Ocean Service Storm Surge Modeling Infrastructure: An update on the research, research-to-operation and operational activities [Conference presentation]. American Meteorological Society 103rd Annual Meeting 2023, Denver, CO

  • Mani, S., Moghimi, S., Cui, L., Wang, Z., Zhang, Y. J., Lopez, J., Myers, E, Cockerill, T., Pe’eri, S. (2022). On-demand automated storm surge modeling including inland hydrology effects (NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS CS 52). United States. Office of Coast Survey. Coast Survey Development Laboratory (U.S.). https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/47926

  • Mani, S., Moghimi, S., Zhang, Y. J., Cui, L., Wang, Z., Lopez, J., Myers E., Pe’eri S., Cockerill T. (Decemeber 2022). Multiplatform Automated On-demand Modeling System for Coastal Storm Surge Including Inland Hydrology Extremes [Poster session]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL

  • Mani, S., Calzada, J., Moghimi, S., Zhang, Y. J., Lopez, J., MacLaughlin, T., Snyder, L., Myers, E., Pe'eri, S., Cockerill, T., Stubbs , J., Hammock, C. (February 2022). On-Demand On-Cloud Automated Mesh Generation for Coastal Modeling Applications [Conference online presentation]. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022, Hawaii

  • Mani, S., Calzada, J. R., Moghimi, S., Zhang, Y. J., Myers, E., Pe’eri, S. (2021) OCSMesh: a data-driven automated unstructured mesh generation software for coastal ocean modeling (NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS CS 47). Coast Survey Development Laboratory (U.S.). https://doi.org/10.25923/csba-m072

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