Log Analysis


This project is submitted for Udacity Full-Stack Web Developer Project 3 - Log Analysis.

The python 3 code work with mock PostgreSQL database that could have come from a real-world web application, with fields representing information that a web server would record, such as HTTP status codes and URL paths. The web server and the reporting tool both connect to the same database, allowing information to flow from the web server into the report.


  • Requirements

    • Python3
    • PostgreSQL
    • psycopg2
  • Porject files

    • loganalysis.py
    • README.md
  • SQL views

    • topauthors
      create view topauthors as 
      select articles.author, count(log.path) as clickcount 
      FROM articles left join log on 
      log.path like concat('%',articles.slug,'%') 
      group by articles.author order by clickcount desc

How To Run The Application

  • Load newsdata.sql using command psql -d news -f newsdata.sql

    • The sql file could also be found here
  • Excute python script loganalysis.py

    • Using the Terminal:

      • Type python3 loganalysis.py or ./logsanalysis.py
    • Using the Python IDLE:

      • Select Run from the IDLE menu,

      • Click Run Module from the dropdown list