
RWD reflow table switch for mobile UI/UX by collapsing columns

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

RWD Reflow Table

npm version License

RWD reflow table switch for mobile UI/UX by collapsing columns


  • High performance and data consistency with Mobile UI/UX

  • Pseudo element implementation

  • DataTables library Integration




After applying Reflow-Table, the table will be responsive with reflow mode, which can be switch by browser's width or customized events.


This library requires the following:

  • jQuery 1.11.0+ | 2.0+ | 3.0+


Bower Installation

bower install jquery-reflow-table

You could also download by NPM or directly copy dist assets. (Last Release for download)

Assets include

Add CSS file into the <head>:

<link href="css/reflow-table.css" rel="stylesheet">

Add JavaScript file either into the <head>, or the bottom of <body>:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/reflow-table.js"></script>


Add the classes .table to the tables as usual when using Bootstrap, then wrap them with a identity such as .freeze-table

<table class="table">

Initailize via JavaScript

You can initialize Table Reflow by jQuery extension call:

   $(function() {

Or initialize an element by newing object from Table Reflow class:

   $(function() {
      new ReflowTable('.reflow-table', {});

The parameter {} is options configuration


Options could be passed via JavaScript with object.

Name Type Default Description
namespace string 'reflow-table' Table namespace for unbind
autoWidth integer 736 Detected width like @media, null for disabling auto detection
widthRatio string '50' Set pseudo heads' width ratio in mobile mode. (15, 20, 25, 30,40,50)
widthSize string null Set pseudo heads' width size in mobile mode. (xs, sm, md, lg)
thead element thead element of current table The thead element with table titles used to build mobile mode for current tbody, you could specific from another table.
eventMobileOn callable null Event callback function referred by reflow-table.mobile.on event
eventMobileOff callable null Event callback function referred by reflow-table.mobile.off event


Update for Dynamic Content

There is an update method which you can call when the table content has changed like page switching. The method will update or re-build table to ensure that everything is alright for mobile mode.


Or using API usage to update:

var reflowTable = new ReflowTable('.reflow-table');
// Update Freeze Table while the original table is distorted
function afterTablePageChanged() {

DataTables Integration

DataTables is a jQuery library to add advanced interaction controls to your HTML tables the free & easy way.

To integrate with DataTables, you can apply a table with reflowTable before or after applying DataTables, set Reflow Table's update into DataTables callback such as drawCallback to keep updating data. For example:

var datatables = $('#table-datatables').DataTable({
  "drawCallback": function( settings ) {

var reflowDataTable = $("#table-datatables").reflowTable();

Example: DataTables Library Integration

For DataTables integration, we choose drawCallback to implement Reflow Table update. After all, DataTables page.dt event fires too early before drawing, while createdRow has a lack of flexibility.

Customize Styles

You could customize pseudo td styles by defining CSS for Table Reflow:

/* Table Reflow Customized CSS for pseudo heads */
.reflow-table td:before {
    min-width: 160px !important;
    text-transform: uppercase;


This library exposes a few events for hooking into reflow-table functionality.

Event Type Description
reflow-table.mobile.on This event fires immediately when the table is changed to mobile mode, this can be triggerd by mobileMode() method call.
reflow-table.mobile.off This event fires immediately when the table is changed back from mobile mode, this can be triggerd by mobileMode() method call.


$("#table").on('reflow-table.mobile.on', function() {
  alert('Mobile mode is now ON');



Update or re-build each Reflow Table row th title for dynamic table content

See Update for Dynamic Content


Switch table to mobile mode or not

function boolean mobileMode(enable=true)

Example: Toggle Mobile Mode by Button

var reflowTable = $('#myTable').reflowTable();

$(".btn-mobile-on").click(function () {
  reflowTable.mobileMode(true);  // Switch to mobile mode

$(".btn0-mobile-off").click(function () {
  reflowTable.mobileMode(false); // Switch back to non-mobile mode


Destroy Freeze Table by same namespace


var reflowTable = $('#myTable').reflowTable();
$('#tableDestroy').on( 'click', function () {
} );


Unbind all events by same namespace