
LINE Notify SDK for PHP

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LINE Notify SDK for PHP

LINE Notify SDK for PHP

Latest Stable Version License



Sample Codes Site for LINE Notify

As a quick start, use Auth client to create an authorize URL with callback redirectUrl for redirection:

$lineNotifyAuth = new \yidas\lineNotify\Auth([
    'clientId' => 'i5zOKhJ9hGyRYdCk281wJr',
    'clientSecret' => '************************',

$authUrl = $$lineNotifyAuth->getAuthUrl("http://localhost/redirectUrl.php");
// header("Location: {$authUrl}");

Next, use Auth client to get accessToken on callback URL (redirectUrl.php), then use Notify client to send notifications with accessToken:

// Get accessToekn by automatically obtaining callback code from query string
$accessToken = $lineNotifyAuth->getAccessToken();

// Send notification with accessToken (Concurrency supported)
$lineNotify = new \yidas\lineNotify\Notify($accessToken);
$result = $lineNotify->notify('Hello!');


This library requires the following:

Client for LINE Notify

Each LINE Notify service require authentication information for integration, as shown below:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

To get a LINE Notify Client:

  1. Register a new LINE Notify service from LINE Notify - Add service with redirectUrl setting.
  2. After registering, get your service's clientId/clientSecret from LINE Notify - Manage registered services (service provider) for integration.


Run Composer in your project:

composer require yidas/line-notify-sdk ~1.0.0

Then you could use SDK class after Composer is loaded on your PHP project:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use yidas\lineNotify\Auth;
use yidas\lineNotify\Notify;


Before using any API methods, first you need to create a Client with configuration, then use the client to access LINE Notify API methods.

Auth Client

Create a LINE Notify Auth Client with API Authentication:

$lineNotifyAuth = new \yidas\lineNotify\Auth([
    'clientId' => 'Your LINE Notify service's client ID',
    'clientSecret' => 'Your LINE Notify service's client Secret',
    // 'debug' => true,
    // 'log' => true,
  • array $config:
Key Required Type Default Description
clientId Y string LINE Notify service's client ID
clientSecret Y string LINE Notify service's client Secret
debug N boolean false Debug mode: Throw error exception when API request or result fails
log N boolean false Log mode: Save all responses to each API request


Get LINE Notify OAuth authorize URL

public string getAuthUrl(string $redirectUrl=null, string $state='none', string $responseMode=null)


// Set redirectUrl to `/callback` from the same path of current URL
define('LINE_NOTIFY_REDIRECT_URL', \yidas\lineNotify\Auth::getWebPath() . "/callback");
$authUrl = $lineNotifyAuth->getAuthUrl(LINE_NOTIFY_REDIRECT_URL);


Get AccessToken with redirectUrl and callback's code

public string getAccessToken(string $redirectUri=false, string $code=false, boolean $stateForVerify=false)


$accessToken = $lineNotifyAuth->getAccessToken(LINE_NOTIFY_REDIRECT_URL, $_GET['code'], 'CSRF state for verifying');


Get code on callback redirect URL

static public string getCode(string $stateForVerify=false)


Get current web URL path

static public string getWebPath()

Notify Client

Create a LINE Notify Client with accessToekn setting:

$lineNotify = new \yidas\lineNotify\Notify('HkyggKbHymoS*****************sFuVfa0mlcBNPI', [
    // 'debug' => true,
    // 'log' => true,
  • string|array $accessTokens: Support single or multiple accessTokens for notification
  • array $config:
Key Required Type Default Description
debug N boolean false Debug mode: Throw error exception when API request or result fails
log N boolean false Log mode: Save all responses to each API request


Send notification concurrently based on accessToken(s)

public integer notify(string $message, array $options=[], string|array $accessTokens=false)

Return Values: Number of successful notifications


// Send single notification with one accessToken
$lineNotify = new \yidas\lineNotify\Notify('HkyggKbHymoS*****************sFuVfa0mlcBNPI');
$result = $lineNotify->notify('Hello!');

// Send notification for multiple accessTokens concurrently
$lineNotify = new \yidas\lineNotify\Notify(['GymoS****', 'Afa0****']);
$sccessNum = $lineNotify->notify('Hello everyone!');
Option Type Description
message string 1000 characters max
imageThumbnail HTTP/HTTPS URL Maximum size of 240×240px JPEG
imageFullsize HTTP/HTTPS URL Maximum size of 2048×2048px JPEG
imageFile string Local file path
stickerPackageId number Package ID. (Sticker List)
stickerId number Sticker ID.
notificationDisabled boolean Deault is false


$lineNotify = new \yidas\lineNotify\Notify(['HkyggKbHymoS*****************sFuVfa0mlcBNPI']);

// Send notification with image URL options
$successNum = $lineNotify->notify(false, [
    'message' => 'Image Notify',
// Send notification with image upload options
$successNum = $lineNotify->notify(false, [
    'message' => 'Image Notify',
    'imageFile' => '/tmp/filename.png',
// Send notification with sticker options
$successNum = $lineNotify->notify(false, [
    'message' => 'Sticker Notify',
    'stickerPackageId' => 1,
    'stickerId' => 100,

imageFile requires to be a file path of string type


Check accessToken connection status

public array status(string $accessToken)


$response = $lineNotify->status('HkyggKbHymoS*****************sFuVfa0mlcBNPI');
$statusCode = $response['status'];


Revoke accessToken on the connected service side

public  revoke(string $accessToken)


$result = $lineNotify->revoke('HkyggKbHymoS*****************sFuVfa0mlcBNPI');


Set AccessTokens for sending notification

public self setAccessTokens(array $accessTokens=[])


Add an AccessToken for sending notification

public self addAccessToken(string $accessToken)


Get last response's Rate Limit information

public array getRateLimit()

Shared Methods


Get response logs when log mode is enabled

public array getResponseLogs()


LINE Notify (EN)

LINE Notify API Document (EN)