While coding and learning Node.js, always want to document what I learned and contribute back to community. Node.js Essential is published w Gitbook for free.
- built on V8 - Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable app
- Key feature:
- Non-blocking async I/O (file/service)
- NPM module system & Fullstack JS
- Stream everything
- Single thread Event driven(callback)
Node.js server vs. Traditonal web server
- Best for Large I/O, real-time, high performance need. Nonblocking async I/O data-intensive real-time app(Nasdaq, Chat, Websocket, Ads distribution, Game server), mobile mid layer(wrapping data source api, proxy), RESTful web api/scraping, socket.io, node-webkit.
- Event-driven programming style.
- Isomophic, NPM, FE javascript developer can quick grasp
Cons: single thread, callback hell w event loop, CPU bound (image encoding, e.g. calculate fibonacci(57) without memorize)
- Book Node.js in Practice by Alex Young
- Mixu's Node book http://book.mixu.net/node/ good all-rounded intro
- http://javascriptissexy.com/learn-node-js-completely-and-with-confidence/?WPACFallback=1&WPACRandom=1417403555636