
Simple and lightweight database package

Primary LanguagePHP

Demir Database


Simple and lightweight database package


  • Multiple connection class
  • Simple CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete) class
  • Abstract model class (Simple ORM)
  • Powerful pagination class
  • Simple query builder

Documentation is coming soon.

Türkçe dökümantasyona buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.


The recommended way to install is via Composer:

$ composer require yidemir/database


Adding Connection

use Demir\Database\Connection;

$pdo = new \PDO('sqlite:db.sqlite');
$connection = new Connection($pdo);

$secondaryPdo = new \PDO('sqlite:secondary.sqlite');
$secondary = new Connection($secondaryPdo, 'secondary');

// default connection
$pdo = Connection::get();

// another connection
$secondary = Connection::get('secondary');

CRUD Operations

If you are going to use the CRUD class, you need to create the connection from the Connection class.

Assume that you create the connection class as above.

use Demir\Database\CRUD;

CRUD::query('select * from posts where id=?', [12])->fetch();

// The Query method returns the PDOStatement class:

CRUD::query('select * from posts')->fetchAll();

// You can select the desired database connection and perform the operation:
CRUD::connection('secondary')->query('select * from users')->fetchAll();

// Set default connection

// INSERT operation:
CRUD::insert('posts', ['slug' => 'foo', 'content' => 'Foo']);
// Duplicate key update:
CRUD::insert('posts', ['slug' => 'foo', 'content' => 'Foo'], ['content' => 'Foo']);

// UPDATE operation:
CRUD::update('users', ['name' => 'Foo']);
CRUD::update('users', ['name' => 'Foo'], 'where id=?', [5]);

// DELETE operation:
CRUD::delete('users', 'where id=?', [5]);

Abstract Model Class (Simple ORM)

use Demir\Database\Model;

class Posts extends Model {}

$posts = Posts::get();
$featuredPosts = Posts::get('where is_featured=1');
$spesificFields = Posts::select('id, title, body')->get();

$post = Posts::first('where id=?', [$id]);
$postTitle = Posts::select('title')->column('where id=?', [$id]);
$postCount = Posts::select('count(*)')->column();

Posts::insert(['title' => 'Post title']);
  $insertData = ['slug' => 'foo', 'title' => 'foo'],
  $onDuplicateKeyUpdate = ['title' => 'foo']

$lastInsertId = Posts::lastInsertId();

Posts::update(['title' => 'New post title'], 'where id=?', [5]);
// or
Posts::update(['title' => ''], 5);

Posts::delete(); // delete all posts
Posts::delete('where id=?', [5]);

Paginating Data

$posts = Posts::paginate();
// defaults: perPage: 10, currentPage: $_GET['page'], url: ?page={number}
$pagesArray = Posts::getPagination()->getPages();

$posts = Posts::paginate([
  'perPage' => 5,
  'currentPage' => $_GET['page'] ?? 1,
  'url' => '/foo/bar?page={number}',

$posts = Posts::paginate([ .. ], 'where is_published=?', [1]);

Model configuration

class Post extends Model
  public static $table = 'posts_table_name';
  public static $primaryKey = 'post_id';
  public static $connection = 'secondary_database_name';

// all static class variables are optional

Powerful Pagination Class


use Demir\Database\Pagination;

$items = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'mux', 'foo'];
$page = $_GET['page'] ?? 1;
$pagination = new Pagination(count($items), $perPage = 2, $page);
[$start, $end] = explode(',', $pagination->getLimit());
$paginatedItems = array_slice($items, $start, $end);
$pagesArray = $pagination->getPages();

Query Builder Class


use Demir\Database\Query;

$query = new Query();

$posts = $query
  ->orderBy('id DESC')
echo $posts;
// SELECT * FROM posts WHERE is_featured=1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10

echo $posts->select('title, body, created_at');
// SELECT title, body, created_at FROM posts WHERE is_featured=1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10

echo (new Query)
  ->where('AND is_featured=1')
  ->orderBy('id DESC')
  ->select('slug, content, tags');
// SELECT slug, content, tags FROM posts WHERE is_published=1 AND is_featured=1 ORDER BY id DESC limit 100,150

echo (new Query)->table('users')->where('id=?');
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?