Estimate PRS Uncertainty for Biobank

Here we demonstrate how to estimate PRS uncertainty (full posterior distribution of genetic value) as described in Large uncertainty in individual PRS estimation impacts PRS-based risk stratification.


Prepare the following data:

  • train_bfile: Genotype file for training individuals.
  • train_sumstats: GWAS association summary statistics output from plink.
  • val_bfile: Genotype file for validation individuals.
  • val_pheno: Phenotype file for validation individuals.
  • test_bfile: Genotype file for testing individuals

Estimate PRS Uncertainty

Install the following packages:

install.packages('optparse', 'bigsnpr', 'tibble', 'readr', 'dplyr')

Download the prs_uncertainty.R and summary.R scripts:

Compute the PRS uncertainty:

#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -l h_data=20G,h_rt=10:00:00 -pe shared 6
#$ -o ./job_out
#$ -t 1-22


Rscript prs_uncertainty.R
    --train_bfile=train_bfile \
    --train_sumstats=all.assoc.linear \
    --val_bfile=val_bfile \
    --val_pheno=height.val.regressed_pheno \
    --test_bfile=test_bfile \
    --out_dir=out_dir  #store outputfiles \
    --cache_dir=cache_file #store LD cache\ 
    --n_cores=6 \
    --num_burn_in=100 \
    --num_iter=500 \

To reduce runtime and memory required for training PRS models, we train PRS models separtely for each of the twentytwo chromosomes and then merge them to obtain a final PRS model for the whole genome using the script summary.R

#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -l h_data=10G,h_rt=1:00:00 
#$ -o ./job_out

Rscript summary.R --out_dir=out_dir