
A flexible solution for auto-generating HTML API documentation from JSON-schemas that take advantage of the v4 Hyper-Schema definition

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

JSON Schema HTML Documentation Generator

A flexible solution for auto-generating HTML API documentation from JSON-schemas that take advantage of the v4 Hyper-Schema definition. To use this package, you must have at least one valid JSON-schema file, preferably one that implements the links definition of the Hyper-Schema spec.

What this package provides

For each link of a given schema, "endpoint" properties are added to the link definition, and provides additional data to be used for documentation purposes:

  • uri: A resolved URI from the href attribute of the link, but simplifies any schema references to just the definition name. e.g., /some/endpoint/{#/definitions/identifier} => /some/endpoint/:identifer
  • parameters: An object that contains an array of required parameters and optional parameters for the endpoint. Each array of items will typically contain name, type, description, and example, but is completely configurable.
  • curl: A generated string containing an example cURL request for the endpoint. This will properly include schema information for all GET/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE methods. Currently this assumes JSON data types. All example data is pulled from example or default attributes for each property.
  • response: An example response derived from the targetSchema of the link. All example data is pulled from example and/or default attributes for each property.

For each schema, a definition is provided, which contains either an array of properties (property definitions, just like endpoint parameters), or an array of objects, each of which is a definition object. An array of objects will occur if you have an anyOf or oneOf case in your schema. Each definition object will also contain an example data object, stringified (JSON, by default)

How to use

To get started, you'll need to json-schema-docs config to your package.json. Below are the configuration options for the generator:

  • apiURL: The base URL to build example cURL requests with
  • schemas: An array of globs to resolve that will collect the schema files
  • dontParse: An array of file paths relative to your package that might get picked up in the schemas globs, but shouldn't be parsed as JSON. Useful for work-in-progress files that may be invalid JSON, but not worth fixing at the moment.
  • endpointOptions: Options when building each endpoint -- attributeParameters : An array of attribute names to include in the parameter map for each attribute -- curlHeaders: Key/value map of flags and values to include with each example cURL request -- includeAdditionalProperties: Boolean of whether or not to include additionalProperties defined in the schema when building example objects in requests/responses (default: true)
  • noDocs: An array of schema IDs that should no have documentation generated for it. This is useful if you're including all docs by default, but some schemas are just a basis for others and don't need HTML documentation.
  • templates: An array of globs to resolve that will collect Handlebars template files
  • templateOptions: An object that will be passed in along with every page template that is generated. Useful for storing version numbers, or other metadata about your docs that you don't want to hard code in the template files.
  • dist: The directory/path where generated HTML files should be saved
  • pages: An object where the key represents the HTML file name and the value is an array of schema IDs that should be included on that page. Optionally, a string of "*" can be used to include all schemas. (e.g., {"index": "*"})

Example configuration

Below is an example configuration in your package.json:

  "json-schema-docs": {
    "apiURL": "https://api.example.com/version",
    "schemas": [
    "dontParse": [
    "endpointOptions": {
      "attributes": ["title", "description", "method", "my_attribute_on_link_objects"],
      "attributeParameters": [
      "curlHeaders": {
        "X-Auth-Token": "c2547eb745079dac9320b638f5e225cf483cc5cfdda41"
    "noDocs": [
    "templates": [
    "destination": "./htdocs",
    "pages": {
      "index": [

Rolling your own generator

A bin file comes packaged, but you can always write your own bin file to override any methods in the Generator class that you may need. Specifically, these options and utility methods may be of use to override:

  • _stringifyData (data, prettyPrint): The method used to stringify all example data object. Defaults to JSON.stringify, but you could override to display your data in any format.
  • getParameterFieldValue (name, definition, field): Defaults to just returning definition[field], but if you have custom attributes in your attribute definitions that need a little more processing, you could override this method and check the provided attribute name to return a further processed value. Keys from the attributeParameters will be processed through here. For example, let's say you have a custom field that is a reference to another schema. You may want to build an example data object for that reference instead of just receiving the schema reference in your template.
  • compiler: Default is to use Handlebars, but you can use your own via your own implementation


  1. TESTS!
  2. Better handling of page info for generating navigation across page templates