SCRUD interface generator
Generate a SCRUD interface given field definations and access rights
Fields to use and their order
slim: 'slim ramp definition', // or
json: 'json definition', // or
schema: 'JSON schema definition',
key: 'KEY_FIELD_NAME', // defaults to id
list: 'field list',
search: 'search fields', // defaults to 'list' fields if omitted
create: 'field list', // * for all, defaults to 'list' fields if omitted
read: 'field list', // * for all, defaults to 'list' fields if omitted
update: 'field list', // * for all, defaults to 'list' fields if omitted
delete: 'field list', // * for all, defaults to 'read' fields if omitted
route: 'option list', // route options
Contains a schema and SCRUD operations to perform form by permissions group
Linux method of specific inclusion
all: { // everyone
source: 'type;[protocol://][user:password]@path',
pack: scrudPack
user: { // authenticated user
extends: "all", // extends the all group
add: scrudPack
rolename: { // specific user role
extends: "user|other_role",
add: scrudPack