Roller Grasper V2

This repository contains implementations for the paper titled "Design and Control of Roller Grasper V2 for In-Hand Manipulation". Further information can be found at the project page


Uses MuJoCo physics engine and mujoco-py python wrapper.

Handcrafted policy demos:


Imitation learning:


Real-world experiment

Firmware and serial communication API can be found at rgSerial.

Mechanical Design

Coming soon...


The circuit diagram can be found in the paper.

Teensy 3.6: handles serial communication and low level controllers

SMPS2Dynamixel Adapter: used as power regulator for the whole circuit

Dynamixel DYNAMIXEL XM430-W350-T: base joints

Micro gear motors: pivot joints and roller joints

Dual MC33926 Motor Driver Carrier: dirve the Micro gear motors

If you find this work helpful, please cite with the following bibtex:

author={S. {Yuan} and L. {Shao} and C. L. {Yako} and A. {Gruebele} and J. K. {Salisbury}},  
booktitle={2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},   
title={Design and Control of Roller Grasper V2 for In-Hand Manipulation},   