
Stanford CS143 Compilers

Primary LanguageC++


Course Materials

The lecture slides, handouts and manuals can be found at CS 143-Compilers. The lecture videos and the whole project package is available at Lagunita: CS 143-Compilers (you need to register first).


To use the C++ version on Mac OS, some packages need to be installed:

xcode-select --install
brew install flex
brew install bison

You need to export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/flex/lib" before make lexer (or you can just put it in your bash_profile) otherwise error ld: library not found for -lfl will be reported.

In order to run your MIPS code, you have to set up a Linux virtual machine because the spim provided is a Linux binary executable. 32-bit libraries need to be installed as well:

sudo apt-get install lib32ncurses5 lib32z1

Then run your code with $COOL_PATH/bin/spim.


All the handouts are in Handouts. All the executables are in Executables.

In every assignment directory I put useful resources, my implementation ideas, proofs and key points of the assignment in a README note. If you have no idea how to get started, read the notes first and then the codes.

I have not fully tested my compiler so there may be some latent bugs. If you find any please let me know!

My Words on the Project

I really love the course and this project! I have spent several months on it and it is really exciting to work out my own implementation of each assignment. Furthermore, it is also helpful to improve my code ability and project management ability.

However, the project environment is obsolete. It uses MIPS assembly, the executables are 32-bit and the virtual machine provided is a hard-to-use Bodhi system. I wish these can be improved to make the project a perfect one.