
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Neurons Engine is the JavaScript implementation of neurons central processing block, which runs on both Node and browser environment. It includes two parts:

  1. Logic Engine.
    • Neurons binary protocol implementation.
    • Neurons blocks auto discovery and management.
    • Communication drivers used for running on different platforms.
  2. Flow Engine.
    • Provide Flow-based API to easy Programming.

How To Use


  1. install NodeJS environment.
  2. run node cli.js.
  3. connect the blocks with serial port.


  1. copy browser/neurons_engine.js to your project.
  2. add <script src="/path/to/neurons_engine.js"></script> in your html <head> tag.


see 'example'

LogicEngine Programming API

Create LogicEngine

In Node

    var engine = require('./lib/engine/logic').create(
      {"driver": "serial", "loglevel": "DEBUG"}

In Browser

    var engine = createNeuronsLogicEngine(
      {"driver": "makeblockhd", "loglevel": "DEBUG"}

#### configuration

* `driver`: the driver to use ,currently support 
    * **serial**(Node Only), 
    * **tcpsocket**(Node Only),
    * **cordovable**(Makeblock Neuron App Only), 
    * **cordovatcp**(Makeblock Neuron App Only),

* `loglevel`: the loglevel to set ,when set, will not print the log which priority lower than set.
  * currently support loglevel
    * **TRACE**,
    * **DEBUG**,
    * **INFO**,
    * **WARN**,
    * **ERROR**,
    * **FATAL**


Get all active blocks and their values. Example result:

        "1_KEY_BUTTON": [
           {press: 0}
        "TEMPERATURE": [
          {temperature: 27}
        "HUMITURE": [
          {temperature_humidity: [27,70]}

Engine.getBlockSubStatus(name, subname, idx = 0)

Queries a block's substatus by name. if idx is provided, will return the status of the {idx}th block of the name. If the required block does not exist, will return null.

Return the values array of the block if block exists. eg: [1, 34].

Engine.sendBlockCommand(name, command, params, idx = 0)

Sends a command to block of name given. Only works for blocks with sub command.

  • name: the name of the block type. eg: "MOTORS"
  • command: the name of the block command, eg: "SET_SPEED"
  • params: [array],the params of the block command, eg: [100,-100] //port1 port2

Engine Events

use Engine.on(event, callback) to register an event handler.

support events:


callback(name, idx)

  • name: the name of block type
  • idx: the {idx}th block





  • list: the active blocks list. see Engine.getActiveBlocks


callback(name, idx, values)

values: see Engine.GetBlockStatus


callback({name: $name, idx: $idx, state: $state})

Electronic Block Definition

All support electronic blocks are defined in lib/blocks/electronic folder by JSON objects. You can define your own block for extension:

var example = {
  name: 'example', // the block name, MUST be unique
  type: 0x00, // the block type id 
  subtype: 0x01, // the block subtype id , optional.
  status: ['byte', 'BYTE', 'short', 'float'] // the block status values type definition.

For blocks will sub status:

var example2 = {
  // the name of the block, must not be unique.
  name: 'example2',
  // the typeid of block.
  type: 0x00,
  // subtypeid of block, optional.
  // subtype: 0x01,
  // available sub status' datatype.
  status: {
    'sub1' : {
      'subid': 0x01,
      'datatype': ['float']
    'sub2' : {
      'subid': 0x02, 
      'datatype' : ['byte', 'BYTE', 'short', 'float']

For blocks with sub command:

var example3 = {
  // the name of the block, must not be unique.
  name: 'example3',
  // the typeid of block.
  type: 0x01,
  // subtypeid of block, optional.
  // subtype: 0x01,
  // available sub status' datatype.
  status: {
    'sub1' : {
      'subid': 0x01,
      'datatype': ['float']
    'sub2' : {
      'subid': 0x02, 
      'datatype' : ['byte', 'BYTE', 'short', 'float']
  // block's commands
  commands: {
    'command1': {
      'commandid': 0x01,
      'datatype': ['float']
    'command2' : {
      'commandid': 0x02, 
      'datatype' : ['byte', 'BYTE', 'short', 'float']

supported value type:

  • "byte": 7bit/byte byte
  • "BYTE": 8bit/byte byte (only use when the byte length < 128)
  • "short": 7bit/byte short
  • "SHORT": 7bit/byte short, but ignore most significant byte (only use when the MSB is 0x00)
  • "long": 0x11111111 // 7bit/byte long
  • "float": 7bit/byte float
  • "double": 7bit/byte double
  • "string": 7bit/byte byte array, in TLV format


run tests

gulp test

run syntax check

gulp jshint

export to browser

gulp browserify

compress after browserify

gulp compress

USB Camera block

Access by Wifi Block


Note: Can also be used directly connected to PC and it will be detected as a USB 2.0 device.