
A standalone half-edge data structure in python with no dependencies other than numpy. Also, in a separate file, a simple OpenGL viewer.

Primary LanguagePython

Author: Yotam Gingold <yotam (strudel) yotamgingold.com>
License: Public Domain.  (I, Yotam Gingold, the author, release this code into the public domain.)
GitHub: https://github.com/yig/trimesh

    A python half-edge data structure for a triangle mesh that can
        - handle boundaries (the first outgoing halfedge at a vertex is always a boundary halfedge)
          (and the last outgoing halfedge is always the opposite of a boundary halfedge))
        - save/load itself to/from OBJ format
        - save itself to OFF format

        import trimesh
        mesh = trimesh.TriMesh.FromOBJ_FileName( "cube.obj" )

    A very simple GLUT viewer for TriMesh objects.
    Keys are:
        - w: toggle edges (wireframe)
        - r: reset the view
        - c: captures current window backbuffer into "screen-capture-<title>-<number>.png"
        - \: toggle fullscreen
        - q: quit

    A very simple class wrapping GLUT.
    Keys are:
        - c: captures current window backbuffer into "screen-capture-<title>-<number>.png"
        - \: toggle fullscreen
        - q: quit

Known issues:
    trimesh.TriMesh doesn't save or load normals.
    trimesh.TriMesh doesn't load texture coordinates (though it does save them).
    GLUTWindow.GLUTWindow screen capture is broken and needs to be changed to use PIL.

Version History:
    - 2012-01-12:
        initial release
    - 2018-01-24:
        supports Python 3.x