
Ready-to-use Twitter-bootstrap for use in Flask.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Flask-Bootstrap packages Twitter's Bootstrap into an extension that mostly consists of a blueprint named 'bootstrap'. It can also create links to serve Bootstrap from a CDN.


Here is an example:

from flask.ext.bootstrap import Bootstrap



This makes some new templates available, mainly bootstrap_base.html and bootstrap_responsive.html. These are blank pages that include all bootstrap resources, and have predefined blocks where you can put your content. The core block to alter is body_content, otherwise see the source of the template for more possiblities.

The url-endpoint bootstrap.static is available for refering to Bootstrap resources, but usually, this isn't needed. A bit better is using the bootstrap_find_resource template filter, which will CDN settings into account.


A few macros are available to make your life easier. These need to be imported (I recommend create your own "base.html" template that extends one of the bootstrap base templates first and including the the macros there).

An example "base.html":

{% extends "bootstrap_responsive.html" %}
{% import "bootstrap_wtf.html" as wtf %}


The bootstrap_wtf template contains macros to help you output forms quickly. The most basic way is using them as an aid to create a form by hand:

<form class="form form-horizontal" method="post">
  {{ form.hidden_tag() }}
  {{ wtf.form_errors(form, "only") }}

  {{ wtf.horizontal_field(form.field1) }}
  {{ wtf.horizontal_field(form.field2) }}

  <div class="form-actions">
     <button name="action_save" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>

However, often you just want to get a form done quickly and have no need for intense fine-tuning:

{{ quick_form(form) }}

Configuration options

There are a few configuration options used by the templates:

Option Default  
BOOTSTRAP_USE_MINIFIED True Whether or not to use the minified versions of the css/js files.
BOOTSTRAP_JQUERY_VERSION '1' This version of jQuery is included in the template via Google CDN. Also honors BOOTSTRAP_USE_MINIFIED. Set this to None to not include jQuery at all. Note that non-minified Bootstrap resources are sometimes missing on bootstrapcdn, so it is best not to use it without turning on BOOTSTRAP_USE_MINIFIED.
BOOTSTRAP_HTML5_SHIM True Include the default IE-fixes that are usually included when using bootstrap.
BOOTSTRAP_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT None If set, include Google Analytics boilerplate using this account.
BOOTSTRAP_USE_CDN False If True, Bootstrap resources will no be served from the local app instance, but will use a Content Delivery Network instead (configured by BOOTSTRAP_CDN_BASEURL).
BOOTSTRAP_CDN_BASEURL A dictionary set up with URLs to bootstrapcdn.com The URLs to which Bootstrap and other filenames are appended when using a CDN.
BOOTSTRAP_CDN_PREFER_SSL True If the BOOTSTRAP_CDN_BASEURL starts with //, prepend 'https:' to it.
BOOTSTRAP_FONTAWESOME False If True, FontAwesome will be enabled.


Either install from github using pip or from PyPI. The package is known on PyPI as flask-bootstrap.

A note on versioning

Flask-Bootstrap tries to keep some track of Twitter's Bootstrap releases. Versioning is usually in the form of Bootstrap version - Flask-Bootstrap iteration. For example, a version of 2.0.3-2 bundles Bootstrap version 2.0.3 and is the second release of Flask-Bootstrap containing that version.

If you need to rely on your templates not changing, simply pin the version in your setup.py.


The following changes could have possibly been not backwards compatible:


  • New upstream release: 2.1.0.
  • Changed the default version of jQuery from 1.7.2 to just 1. This means that the latest 1.x.x version of jQuery will be pulled.


  • WTForms generated HTML code is now considered safe. This allows Flask-WTF's RecaptchaField to work with quick_form.


  • There is no longer a self.app on Flask-Bootstrap. The extension can be shared by any number of applications using init_app() (though the old __init__() signature is kept for backward compatibiliy).


  • FontAwesome is now supported as well, can also be loaded from bootstrapCDN. Set BOOTSTRAP_FONTAWESOME to True to enable it.
  • BOOTSTRAP_CDN_BASEURL is now a dictionary for multiple CDNs (i.e. Bootstrap, FontAwesome can use different base URLs). This will break any code that relied on setting BOOTSTRAP_CDN_BASEURL.