CS319-02 Group E

  • Yigit Gorgulu 21702323
  • Artun Cura 21703091
  • Yusuf Avci 21702724
  • Elif Demir 21601571
  • Sonat Uzun 21601857

Settlers of Catan

Settlers of Catan is a turn-based game in which the players discover the new found land of Catan. The players try to gain control over the island by building settlements, cities and roads. The game is based on a hexagonal map with a set amount of tiles depending on the amount of players and each of the tiles generates a resource which the player can then use to build structures, trade and buy development cards which grant the player some advantages. Resources are generated by rolling dice. Each tile is numbered from 2 to 12 except 7, and every time a number is rolled with the dice, the tiles that contain the sum of the dice generate resources. The player that reaches 10 Victory Points (VP) wins the game. A player can gain VP by building settlements for 1 VP and cities for 2 VP or gaining the longest road and the biggest army cards. To gain the longest road card, a player must have a road of at least 5 units in length. To gain the largest army card, the players must have played at least 3 Knight Development Cards. The longest road and largest army cards can be taken by a player if they create a road or an army bigger than the current holder of the card’s.

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