
Concurrent Task Service is a Go application designed to handle incoming HTTP requests concurrently using Goroutines. The project implements a worker pool with concurrently

Primary LanguageGo


Concurrent TaskService is a Go application designed to handle incoming HTTP requests concurrently using Goroutines. The project implements a worker pool with concurrently

Project Setup and Usage


Go 1.21.5
Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.

Make Commands:

all: Builds and starts both the application and database services.

down: Stops and removes the running containers.

re: Cleans up all containers and volumes, then rebuilds and starts everything from scratch.

clean: Removes all containers, volumes, and unused Docker images for a thorough cleanup. " Warning: This will remove all Docker images on your system."

db: Starts only the MySQL database service.

app: Starts only the application service.

Accessing Swagger UI:

Once the application is running access the Swagger UI documentation at: http://localhost:8080/swagger

Using Postman Collection:

A Postman collection has been included for convenient API testing. Import the collection to explore and interact with the API endpoints.

Additional Information:

The MySQL database data is persisted in the /home/mysql directory on your host machine. To rebuild specific services, use docker-compose up --build (e.g., docker-compose up --build app).