
Welcome to the Ontology Web Language (OWL) repository for ECOLOPES (ECOlogical building enveLOPES), a groundbreaking design approach for regenerating urban ecosystems

Primary LanguageJava

Ontology Web Language (OWL) in ECOLOPES: Bringing Nature and Technology Together

Hey there! Welcome to the Ontology Web Language (OWL) repository for ECOLOPES (ECOlogical building enveLOPES), where we're on a mission to revolutionize city development by integrating nature and technology. Let me give you a quick tour of what we're up to.

Let's Dive In

The Big Picture

In the hustle and bustle of urbanization, we're faced with a challenge: How do we create cities that thrive not just for humans but for nature as well? ECOLOPES is our answer. We're turning building enclosures into vibrant ecosystems, welcoming humans, plants, animals, and microbes to coexist harmoniously.

Our Goals

In this project, we're not just dreaming big but making it happen. Here's what we're working towards:

  • Designing ecolopes systematically, with a focus on inclusivity for all inhabitants.
  • Infusing architectural design with biological knowledge to create spaces that work for both humans and nature.
  • Crafting an Information Model that merges ecological wisdom with architectural innovation.
  • Building a Computational Modeling and Simulation environment to bring our designs to life.

OWL: Our Secret Sauce

OWL isn't just a fancy acronym; the magic powers our project. Here's how we use it:

  • We craft ontologies that speak the language of species, habitats, building materials, and ecosystem services.
  • We weave intricate relationships between entities, bridging the gap between the built and natural worlds.
  • With automated reasoning, we unlock insights that help us optimize our ecolope configurations for maximum impact.

What's Inside?

Are you curious about what you'll find in this repository? Here's a sneak peek:

  • /ontologies: Dive into OWL ontology files where our ideas come to life.
  • /documentation: Learn the ins and outs of ontology design and usage guidelines.
  • /scripts: Peek behind the curtain at the scripts we use for validation, reasoning, and integration.
  • /examples: Get inspired by sample OWL files and usage examples.

Ready to Get Started?

Are you excited to join the ECOLOPES journey? Here's how to jump in:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine and start exploring.
  2. Take a deep dive into our ontologies using tools like Protégé.
  3. Check out our documentation for handy tips and tricks.
  4. Play around with our examples to see OWL in action.

Let's Collaborate!

We're all about teamwork and collaboration. Whether you're a researcher, developer, or passionate about our cause, we'd love to have you on board. Check out our CONTRIBUTING.md file to learn how you can get involved.

# # Would you like to reach out to us?

Do you have questions or ideas, or want to say hi? Please email us at akif.cifci@ecolopes.org. We'd love to hear from you!

Shoutout to Our Supporters

A big shoutout to [funding agency/institution] for believing in our vision and making this project possible.

Legal Stuff

Oh, and before you go, remember to check out our LICENSE.md file for all the legal details.

Thanks for stopping by and showing interest in the ECOLOPES OWL repository! Together, we can create cities where humans and nature thrive side by side. Let's make it happen! 🌱🏙️