
collections of yihong0618's telegram bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Collections of yihong0618's telegram bot

for yihong0618's channel: https://t.me/hyi0618

Bot -> poster


Bot -> pretty mapper


Bot -> fake

  1. install font wqy-microhei first
  2. use fake: ${message} to generate

Bot -> ChatTTS

  1. export USE_CHATTTS=true
  2. use tts: ${message} to generate

Bot -> Kling

  1. export KLING_COOKIE=${cookie}
  2. use kling: ${message} to generate images
  3. use /kling_pro ${message} to generate videos

Bot -> Gemini player

  1. visit https://makersuite.google.com/app/apikey get the key
  2. export GOOGLE_GEMINI_KEY=${the_key}
  3. use gemini: ${message} to ask


Bot -> Claude 3

  1. visit https://console.anthropic.com/ get the key
  2. export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=${the_key}
  3. use claude: ${message} to ask

Note, if you are using third party service, you need to export ANTHROPIC_BASE_URL=${the_url} to change the url.

Bot -> lingyiwanwu

  1. visit https://platform.lingyiwanwu.com/apikeys get the key
  2. export YI_API_KEY=${the_key}
  3. export YI_BASE_URL=${the_url}
  4. use yi: ${message} to ask


Bot -> ChatGPT

  1. visit https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys get the key
  2. export OPENAI_API_KEY=${the_key}
  3. use gpt: ${message} to ask

Note, if you are using third party service, you need to export OPENAI_API_BASE=${the_url} to change the url.

Bot -> llama3

  1. visit https://console.groq.com/docs/quickstart get the key
  2. export GROQ_API_KEY=${the_key}
  3. use llama_pro: ${message} to ask

Bot -> qwen

  1. visit https://api.together.xyz/settings/api-keys get the key
  2. export TOGETHER_API_KEY=${the_key}
  3. use qwen_pro: ${message} to ask

Bot -> dify

  1. visit https://cloud.dify.ai/ get selected Chatbot's API Secret key
  2. export DIFY_API_KEY=${the_key}
  3. use dify: ${message} to ask

Note, currently its support dify Chatbot with instructions(System prompt) and different MODEL with its parameters.

Bot -> Cohere

  1. visit https://dashboard.cohere.com/api-keys get the key
  2. export COHERE_API_KEY=${the_key}
  3. use cohere: ${message} to ask

Function -> Telegraph

Skip token (default)

You do not need to do anything.

But you may not be able to edit any generated post since you do not have the token.

Store token (recommended)

Change "Store_Token" to "True" in "handlers/init.py" TelegraphAPI/_create_ph_account. It will store the token in "token_key.json".

Get token manually from Telegram account

  1. https://t.me/telegraph Create or login Telegraph account
  2. Log in as ${Account} on this device
  3. On Browser at https://telegra.ph/, press F12 or right click and inspect
  4. Go to Application -> Storage -> Cookies -> https://telegra.ph/
  5. The token at tph_token is the token for telegra.ph API

Do not share the token with others, it's like a password.

HOW TO Install and Run

Manually install

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Get tg token, ask Google or ChatGPT, need get it from BotFather
  3. export GOOGLE_GEMINI_KEY=${your_google_gemini_apikey}
  4. python tg.py ${telegram_bot_token}

Run from Docker

build docker image

docker build -t tg_bot_collections .

Run Gemini

docker run -d --name tg_bot_collections -e GOOGLE_GEMINI_KEY='${GOOGLE_GEMINI_KEY}' -e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN='${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}' --network host tg_bot_collections

Run Claude 3

docker run -d --name tg_bot_collections -e ANTHROPIC_API_KEY='${ANTHROPIC_API_KEY}' -e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN='${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}' --network host tg_bot_collections

Run lingyiwanwu

docker run -d --name tg_bot_collections -e YI_API_KEY='${YI_API_KEY}' -e YI_BASE_URL='${YI_BASE_URL}' -e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN='${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}' --network host tg_bot_collections

Run ChatGPT

docker run -d --name tg_bot_collections -e OPENAI_API_KEY='${CHATGPT_API_KEY}' -e TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN='${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}' --network host tg_bot_collections

Run as shell

Note, this may break your system config -> check this #5


  1. Type /gemini: ${message} to ask
  2. Type gemini: ${message} and upload picture to ask with picture


If you don't want to use one of these command, you can use --disable-command <command> option to disable it. This option can be used multiple times.


  • Any issue reports or PRs are welcome.
  • Before PR, use pip install -U black then black . first



  • Thank you, that's enough. Just enjoy it.