
Python-inspired method decorator for Groovy.

Primary LanguageGroovyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Groovy Decorator

Python-inspired method decorator for Groovy.

Groovy 2.4.6 Java 1.7.0_75 Build Status [Maven Central Releases](http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|g:"com.github.yihtserns" AND a:"groovy-decorator")


// Guard.groovy in its own project
import com.github.yihtserns.groovy.decorator.MethodDecorator
import com.github.yihtserns.groovy.decorator.Function
import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.GroovyASTTransformationClass
import java.lang.annotation.Retention
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy
import java.lang.annotation.Target
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType

@MethodDecorator({ Function func ->
    return { args ->
        String username = args[0]

        if (username == 'hacker') {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("hacker not allowed")
        } else {
            func(args) // Call original method
@interface Guard {
// SomeScript.groovy
class SomeOperation {

    public String doStuff(String username, int secretCode) {
        println "${username}: ${secretCode}"

def op = new SomeOperation()
op.doStuff('good guy', 3) // prints 'good guy: 3'
op.doStuff('hacker', 1) // throws UnsupportedOperationException

Using annotation elements

// Guard.groovy in its own project
import com.github.yihtserns.groovy.decorator.MethodDecorator
import com.github.yihtserns.groovy.decorator.Function
import org.codehaus.groovy.transform.GroovyASTTransformationClass
import java.lang.annotation.Retention
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy
import java.lang.annotation.Target
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType

@MethodDecorator({ Function func, Guard guard ->
    String[] prohibited = guard.against()

    return { args ->
        String username = args[0]

        if (prohibited.contains(username)) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("$username not allowed")
        } else {
            func(args) // Call original method
@interface Guard {

    String[] against() default ['hacker']
// SomeScript.groovy
class SomeOperation {

    public String doStuff(String username, int secretCode) {
        println "${username}: ${secretCode}"

    @Guard(against = ['good guy', 'hacker'])
    public String doSuperSensitiveStuff(String username, int secretCode) {
        println "${username}: ${secretCode}"

def op = new SomeOperation()

op.doStuff('admin', 10) // prints 'admin: 10'
op.doStuff('good guy', 3) // prints 'good guy: 3'
op.doStuff('hacker', 1) // throws UnsupportedOperationException

op.doSuperSensitiveStuff('admin', 10) // prints 'admin: 10'
op.doSuperSensitiveStuff('good guy', 3) // throws UnsupportedOperationException
op.doSuperSensitiveStuff('hacker', 1) // throws UnsupportedOperationException

Ad-hoc method decoration

// SomeScript.groovy
import com.github.yihtserns.groovy.decorator.Intercept
import com.github.yihtserns.groovy.decorator.Function

class SomeOperation {

    @Intercept({ Function func, args ->
        String username = args[0]

        if (username == 'hacker') {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("hacker not allowed")
        } else {
            func(args) // Call original method
    public String doStuff(String username, int secretCode) {
        println "${username}: ${secretCode}"

def op = new SomeOperation()
op.doStuff('good guy', 3) // prints 'good guy: 3'
op.doStuff('hacker', 1) // throws UnsupportedOperationException

Sharing ad-hoc method decoration

// SomeScript.groovy
import com.github.yihtserns.groovy.decorator.Intercept
import com.github.yihtserns.groovy.decorator.Function

class SomeOperation {

    public String doStuff(String username, int secretCode) {
        println "${username}: ${secretCode}"

    public String doAnotherStuff(String username, int secretCode) {
        println "${username}: ${secretCode}"

    private static class BlockHacker extends Closure {

        BlockHacker(owner, thisObject) {
            super(owner, thisObject)

        def doCall(Function func, args) {
            String username = args[0]

            if (username == 'hacker') {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("hacker not allowed")
            } else {
                func(args) // Call original method

def op = new SomeOperation()

op.doStuff('admin', 10) // prints 'admin: 10'
op.doStuff('good guy', 3) // prints 'good guy: 3'
op.doStuff('hacker', 1) // throws UnsupportedOperationException

op.doAnotherStuff('admin', 10) // prints 'admin: 10'
op.doAnotherStuff('good guy', 3) // prints 'good guy: 3'
op.doAnotherStuff('hacker', 1) // throws UnsupportedOperationException


Function.name : String Name of the decorated method.
Function.returnType : Class<?> Return type of the decorated method.

The way it works is similar to groovy.transform.Memoized, in that it turns:

class MyClass {

    @Decorator1(el1 = val1, el2 = val2,... elN = valN)
    boolean method(String x, int y) {

    String method(x.Input input1, y.Input input2) {

    String method(y.Input input1, x.Input input2) {


class MyClass {

    private Function decorating$methodStringint = Function.create({ String x, int y -> decorated$method(x, y) }, boolean)
                                                              /** Decorator1 annotated on method(String, int) **/,
                                                              /** Decorator1's decorator closure **/)
                                                              /** Decorator2 annotated on method(String, int) **/,
                                                              /** Decorator2's decorator closure **/)
    private Function decorating$methodInputInput = Function.create({ x.Input input1, y.Input input2 -> decorated$method(input1, input2) }, String)
                                                               /** Decorator1 annotated on method(x.Input, y.Input) **/,
                                                               /** Decorator1's decorator closure **/)
    private Function _decorating$methodInputInput = Function.create({ y.Input input1, x.Input input2 -> decorated$method(input1, input2) }, String)
                                                                /** Decorator1 annotated on method(y.Input, x.Input) **/,
                                                                /** Decorator1's decorator closure **/)

    @Decorator1(el1 = val1, el2 = val2,... elN = valN)
    boolean method(String x, int y) {
        decorating$methodStringint([x, y])

    private boolean decorated$method(String x, int y) {

    String method(x.Input input1, y.Input input2) {
        decorating$methodInputInput([input1, input2])

    private String decorated$method(x.Input input1, y.Input input2) {

    String method(y.Input input1, x.Input input2) {
        _decorating$methodInputInput([input1, input2])

    private String decorated$method(y.Input input1, x.Input input2) {

Multiple decoration ordering

@Decorator1 // Decorate with this first, then
@Decorator2 // Decorate with this, then
@Decorator3 // Decorate with this
String getSecret(user, secretId) {


@Log(entry=true, exit=true)
String getSecret(user, secretId) {

getSecret('707', 707) // -> Log -> CacheResult -> Allow -> greet(user, secretId)


Cannot work with @CompileStatic for Groovy version < 2.3.9

An exception will be thrown:

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Internal compiler error while compiling script1457454321240940813275.groovy
Method: MethodNode@1527752119[java.lang.Object doCall(java.lang.Object)]
Line -1, expecting casting to java.lang.Object but operand stack is empty
	at org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.asm.OperandStack.doConvertAndCast(OperandStack.java:323)
	at org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.asm.OperandStack.doGroovyCast(OperandStack.java:290)