
A Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Project

Primary LanguagePython

Item Catalog


  • This is a simple catalog item for specific google plus users. Any improvements are welcomed. ​:smile:​

  • ​You can browse all the items and categories of this catalog. You can use this catalog to store items(or other things that has a name) to different categories of your own. However, note that the categories you created can be accessed by all people ( and of course, me Alan, the author 😊 ).

  • You also can obtain the XML and JSON format of single category or item.

  • The project utilizes Flask and SQLAlchemy for request handling and database administration.

  • If you want to add/modify/delete your own catalog, please login your google+ account.

How to run:

Please refer to the Linux Server Configuration repo. The project is no long runnable on local machine.

a: Clone and pull this repository to your own computer

b: Open the Command Line Interface(or terminal), direct to the folder where applicaiton.py is. c: Run the server file by executingpython database_setup.py and python application.py . in command line. Make sure you have all the libraries on your own computer. d: Browse the website in http://localhost:8080 or

Routing Table:


Handlers Notes
/catalog, / To render the front page that shows all catalogs and items
/gconnect To accept the authorization token from Google+
/gdisconnect To logout from a logged in account
/login To render the login page
/catalog/new To add a new category (authentication needed)
/catalog/int:catalog_id/edit To modify the name of a category (authentication needed)
/catalog/int:catalog_id/delete To delete a category (authentication needed)
/catalog/int:catalog_id/item, /catalog/int:catalog_id/ To view a single category
/catalog/int:catalog_id/item/int:item_id To view detailed info of an item
/catalog/int:catalog_id/item/new To add a new item to a category (authentication needed)
/catalog/int:catalog_id/item/int:item_id/edit To edit an existing item (authentication needed)
/catalog/int:catalog_id/item/int:item_id/delete To delete an existing item (authentication needed)
/catalog/int:catalog_id/item/JSON To obtain JSON endpoint of a category
/catalog/int:catalog_id/item/int:item_id/JSON To obtain JSON endpoint of an item
/catalog/int:catalog_id/item/XML To obtain XML endpoint of a category
/catalog/int:catalog_id/item/int:item_id/XML To obtain XML endpoint of an item