
Web Applicaction Advanced.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Web Application Advanced

php-version yii2-version PHPUnit Codecov PHPStan PHPStan level Code style



Directory structure

├── config  
│   ├── backend                 Backend configuration.            
│   ├── console                 Console configuration.
│   ├── frontend                Frontend configuration.
│   ├── config-plugin.php       Plugin configuration.
│   ├── messages.php            Translation configuration.
│   ├── params-backend.php      Backend parameters.
│   ├── params-console.php      Console parameters.
│   ├── params-frontend.php     Frontend parameters.
│   └── params.php              Common parameters.
├── backend             
│   ├── config                  Backend tests configuration.
│   ├── public                  Backend web server public.
│   ├── src                     
│   │   └── UseCase
│   │       └── Site            Site use case.
│   └── Tests                   Backend tests.
├── common             
│   └── src                     
│       └── Framework           
│           └── Asset           Common asset bundles files.    
│           └── Controller      Common controller files.
│           └── resource         
│               ├── css         Common Css files.
│               ├── js          Common Js files.
│               ├── layout      Common Layout files.
│               └── message     Common Translation files.
├── console             
│   ├── config                  Console tests configuration.
│   └── src                     
│       ├── UseCase
│       │   └── Hello           Hello use case.
│       └── Tests               Console tests.
├── frontend             
│   ├── config                  Frontend tests configuration.
│   ├── public                  Frontend web server public.
│   └── src                     
│       ├── Framework           
│       │   ├── EventHandler    Event handler files.
│       ├── UseCase
│       │   ├── About           About use case.
│       │   ├── Contact         Contact use case.
│       │   └── Site            Site use case.
│       └── Tests               Frontend tests.
└── vendor                      Composer dependencies.


If you do not have Composer, you may install it by following the instructions at getcomposer.org.

You can then install this project app-basic using the following command:

composer create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev yii2-extensions/app-advanced myapp

Now you should be able to access the application advanced through the following URL, assuming `frontend/public` amd `backend/public` is the directory directly under the Web root.

Virtual Host:


Backend Server Yii:

./yii serve -t backend/public -r backend/public/index.php

Frontend Server Yii:

./yii serve -t frontend/public -r frontend/public/index.php

Console commands:

./yii hello/index


// download all composer dependencies root project
$ composer update --prefer-dist -vvv

// run all tests with code coverage
$ vendor/bin/codecept run --coverage-xml

Our social networks



The MIT License. Please see License File for more information.