
Learning to Compose Domain-Specific Transformations for Data Augmentation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Learning to Compose Domain-Specific Transformations for Data Augmentation

Or: Transformation Adversarial Networks for Data Augmentations (TANDA)

Paper (NeurIPS 2017): Learning to Compose Domain-Specific Transformations for Data Augmentation
Corresponding authors: Alex Ratner (ajratner@cs.stanford.edu), Henry Ehrenberg (henryre@cs.stanford.edu)
TANDA blog post

*For more on using Transformation Functions (TFs) for data augmentation, see the Snorkel project

NEW: an easy-to-use Keras interface

Just in time for NeurIPS 2017, we're releasing an easy-to-use substitute for Keras' ImageDataGenerator data augmentation class. Just swap in TANDAImageDataGenerator and you'll be using our trained data augmentation models! For a recipe on how to use it, check out keras/keras_cifar10_example.py. All we did was copy Keras' CIFAR-10 CNN example script and plug in the TANDAImageDataGenerator. Easy as that.


Using data augmentation on benchmark machine learning tasks, like MNIST and CIFAR-10, yields large performance gains. But using data augmentation on new tasks can prove difficult. We've found that while it's usually easy for practitioners to

  • obtain large quantities of labeled data; and
  • come up with individual label-preserving data transformations (e.g. small image rotations),

constructing and tuning the more sophisticated compositions typically needed to achieve state-of-the-art results is a time-consuming manual task. The TANDA library unlabeled data points and arbitrary, user-provided transformation functions as input, and learns how to compose them to generate realistic, augmented data points.

Visual examples

Synthetic data

The original data points (blue) are distributed at random within the purple dotted line. We define several random displacement vectors as transformations, and the orange points are augmented copies of blue data points. At first, the transformations are applied effectively at random, yielding many augmented points outside of the true data distribution. After a few iterations, the augmentation model learns how to create sequences of displacements that yield augmented data points within the distribution of interest.



We learned an augmentation model for the MNIST data set using rotation, shear, elastic deformation, and rescaling transformation functions. The figure shows 100 augmented MNIST images. While they initially do not look like realistic digits, the model learns to compose the image transformations to generate realistic augmented images.



First, clone this repo. TANDA is compatable with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.5+ and requires a few packages (see note below) which can be installed using pip (or conda).

pip install --requirement python-package-requirement.txt

If you're using the Keras interface, you'll need to install Keras as well.

Note: currently, TANDA only works with TensorFlow 1.2. This is enforced in python-package-requirement.txt. We do not recommend using newer versions right now, as models will not train correctly.

Example usage

TANDA includes example TAN training scripts for MNIST and CIFAR-10. You'll need to add the TANDA library to your path first. From the top-level tanda directory, just run

source set_env.sh

The example scripts can be found in example-scripts. To train an MNIST TAN:


Before running experiments with CIFAR-10, you'll need to download the data:

cd experiments/cifar10

Then to train a CIFAR-10 TAN, run:


Running experiments with custom parameters

Single experiment

To run a single experiment, for example on CIFAR-10:

source set_env.sh
python experiments/cifar10/train.py --run_name test_run [FLAGS]

The vast majority of flags can be found in experiments/train_scripts.py, but individual train scripts (e.g. experiments/cifar10/train.py) may also have custom flags.

The run_type flag determines the mode to run in:

  • tanda-full [default]: Train a TAN, then use this to train a data-augmented end model
  • tan-only: Train TAN only
  • tanda-pretrained: Load trained TAN, then use this to train a data-augmented end model
  • random: Train a randomly-augmented end model
  • baseline: Train an end model with no data augmentation

TensorBoard visualizations are available during (and after) training:

tensorboard --logdir experiments/log/[DATESTAMP]/[RUN_NAME]_[TIMESTAMP]

Multiple experiments

To launch a set of experiments in parallel, first define a config file (see experiments/cifar10/config/ for examples), then run e.g.:

source set_env.sh
python experiments/launch_run.py --script experiments/cifar10/train.py --config experiments/cifar10/config/tan_search_config.json

To see quick stats from the TAN training, run:

python experiments/print_tan_stats.py --log_root [LOG_ROOT]

One procedure is to train a set of TAN models (setting tan_only=True), then choose the best ones (by e.g. visual appearance or generative-to-random loss ratio), then run these with end models. This can be done in parallel:

python experiments/launch_end_models.py --script experiments/cifar10/train.py --end_model_config experiments/cifar10/config/end_model_config.json --tan_log_root [LOG_ROOT] --model_indexes 1 5 7