- 1
Duplicate key "yiisoft/yii-view-renderer => viewPath" in the following configs while building "params-web" group
#621 opened by ahmadasjad - 1
- 13
CurrentRequest is valid
#607 opened by hiscaler - 3
Yiisoft\Assets\Exception\InvalidConfigException The sourcePath to be published does not exist: C:\wamp64\www\demo\blog/node_modules/bootstrap/dist
#600 opened by rossaddison - 2
- 1
Move language groups to params, configure translator
#588 opened by samdark - 5
- 4
- 0
Fix SSL autorenewing
#595 opened by xepozz - 0
Registration doesn't work with SQLite
#592 opened by xepozz - 2
it seem the url parameter can be removed?
#573 opened by TiaNex-Com - 7
Cycle\ORM\Exception\TransactionException Transaction can't be finished. Some relations can't be resolved: Update `product` - tax_rate (Cycle\ORM\Relation\BelongsTo)
#462 opened by rossaddison - 0
Add `yiisoft/request-model` package
#497 opened by rustamwin - 3
PHP Fatal Error — Yiisoft\ErrorHandler\Exception\ErrorException Class App\Widget\FlashMessage contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Yiisoft\Widget\Widget::render)
#568 opened by rossaddison - 6
PHP Fatal Error — Yiisoft\ErrorHandler\Exception\ErrorException Class Yiisoft\Yii\Cycle\Data\Reader\EntityReader contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Yiisoft\Data\Reader\FilterableDataInterface::withFilterHandlers)
#562 opened by rossaddison - 1
Composer install error
#567 opened by Fluit - 0
update links
#564 opened by Arhell - 1
- 3
PHP Compile Error — Yiisoft\ErrorHandler\Exception\ErrorException Declaration of Yiisoft\Yii\Cycle\Data\Reader\EntityReader::withLimit(int $limit): Yiisoft\Yii\Cycle\Data\Reader\EntityReader must be compatible with Yiisoft\Data\Reader\ReadableDataInterface::withLimit(int $limit): Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader
#559 opened by rossaddison - 1
Yiisoft\Di\NotFoundException No definition or class found or resolvable for "Yiisoft\Validator\RuleHandlerContainer" while building "Yiisoft\Validator\RuleHandlerContainer".
#554 opened by rossaddison - 1
add fixture error
#547 opened by gluck1986 - 1
No definition or class found or resolvable for "Yiisoft\Translator\MessageReaderInterface" while building "Yiisoft\Translator\MessageReaderInterface".
#543 opened by rossaddison - 4
Call to a member function format() on null
#526 opened by pcbal - 5
Minor Issue: Dependency Checker - The following 6 unknown symbols were found
#539 opened by rossaddison - 1
Psalm Level 6: 9 of 9 InvalidMethodCall - src/User/Controller/UserController.php:36:15 - Cannot call method on iterable<mixed, object>&Yiisoft\Data\Reader\DataReaderInterface variable (see ->withSort(Sort::only(['id', 'login'])
#536 opened by rossaddison - 1
Psalm Level 6: 8 of 9: InvalidMethodCall - src/User/Controller/ApiUserController.php:38:15 - Cannot call method on iterable<mixed, object>&Yiisoft\Data\Reader\DataReaderInterface variable (see ->withSort(Sort::only(['login'])->withOrderString('login'));
#535 opened by rossaddison - 1
Psalm Level 6: 7 of 9: InvalidReturnStatement - src/User/Console/CreateCommand.php:54:20 - The inferred type 'int|non-falsy-string' does not match the declared return type 'int' for App\User\Console\CreateCommand::execute (see return $t->getCode() ?: ExitCode::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR;
#534 opened by rossaddison - 1
Psalm Level 6: 6 of 9: InvalidReturnType - src/User/Console/CreateCommand.php:36:81 - The declared return type 'int' for App\User\Console\CreateCommand::execute is incorrect, got 'int|non-falsy-string' (see protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
#533 opened by rossaddison - 1
Psalm Level 6: 5 of 9: InvalidReturnStatement - src/User/Console/AssignRoleCommand.php:80:20 - The inferred type 'int|non-falsy-string' does not match the declared return type 'int' for App\User\Console\AssignRoleCommand::execute (see return $t->getCode() ?: ExitCode::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR;
#532 opened by rossaddison - 1
Psalm Level 6: 4 of 9: InvalidReturnType - src/User/Console/AssignRoleCommand.php:42:81 - The declared return type 'int' for App\User\Console\AssignRoleCommand::execute is incorrect, got 'int|non-falsy-string' (see protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
#531 opened by rossaddison - 1
Psalm Level 6: 3 of 9: InvalidReturnStatement - src/Command/Fixture/AddCommand.php:73:20 - The inferred type 'int|non-falsy-string' does not match the declared return type 'int' for App\Command\Fixture\AddCommand::execute (see return $t->getCode() ?: ExitCode::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR;
#530 opened by rossaddison - 1
Psalm Level 6: 2 of 9: InvalidReturnType - src/Command/Fixture/AddCommand.php:53:81 - The declared return type 'int' for App\Command\Fixture\AddCommand::execute is incorrect, got 'int|non-falsy-string' (see protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
#529 opened by rossaddison - 1
Psalm Level 6: 1 of 9: UndefinedMethod - src/Blog/Post/PostController.php:98:44 - Method App\Blog\Post\PostForm::getFirstErrors does not exist (see $parameters['errors'] = $form->getFirstErrors();
#528 opened by rossaddison - 0
Raise psalm level to 6
#538 opened by vjik - 8
TypeError Cannot assign Cycle\ORM\Reference\Reference to property App\Invoice\Entity\Quote::$client of type ?App\Invoice\Entity\Client
#510 opened by rossaddison - 18
Dummy mysql date ie. '0000-00-00' is presented as -0001-11-30 in Cycle in a View
#509 opened by rossaddison - 1
- 1
Yiisoft\Di\NotFoundException No definition or class found or resolvable for "Cycle\ORM\Select" while building "Cycle\ORM\Select".
#505 opened by rossaddison - 2
TypeError Cannot assign int to property App\Invoice\Entity\Inv::$is_read_only of type ?bool
#499 opened by rossaddison - 0
Improve strings in language select
#495 opened by vjik - 0
`composer install` error in Docker
#493 opened by arogachev - 1
yii serve require php 8.1
#474 opened by githubjeka - 1
`/swagger` url gives error
#470 opened by arogachev - 2
`composer install` waits for user input
#468 opened by arogachev - 0
Add Indonesian Language
#466 opened by chanurholis - 2
Psalm testing:running ./vendor/bin/psalm at command line: INFO: MissingPropertyType Task::$finish_date does not have a declared type - consider mixed (see
#465 opened by rossaddison - 4
Composer Install/Update when Init
#457 opened by chanurholis - 3
BlogPageCest test fails
#458 opened by sankaest - 0
composer can not resolve requirements
#450 opened by valieand - 3
Minor Issue: Error message can be made more clear: PHP Warning — Yiisoft\ErrorHandler\Exception\ErrorException Undefined property
#446 opened by rossaddison