- 2
- 5
`data` dirs in tests
#144 opened by hiqsol - 7
Dont modify behaviour specifically for tests
#49 opened by lubosdz - 37
- 2
- 18
- 5
Incorrect controllerPath resolving
#113 opened by Insolita - 3
- 5
Resolvable magic getters
#52 opened by SamMousa - 19
Custom reference syntax to class or class member in comments make impossible to navigate in IDE
#197 opened by insperedia - 1
Pack requirements checker into separate package
#206 opened by samdark - 2
Repo merges into a repo and then splits
#208 opened by kids-return - 19
Request to separate FileHelper from yii-core
#204 opened by razonyang - 2
- 11
Should not require yii-web
#155 opened by machour - 8
Change namespace to Yiisoft\Core?
#201 opened by schmasterz - 1
List of Yii 3.0 archtectural problems
#104 opened by hiqsol - 8
- 6
Remove special citizens from `Application`
#56 opened by SamMousa - 10
[meta] Remove @author from source
#54 opened by SamMousa - 20
What is the current dependency between repo?
#183 opened by kids-return - 15
Decouple framework parts
#103 opened by hiqsol - 1
When will yii3 be released?
#202 opened by godla - 13
Yii3 Dev organization
#129 opened by machour - 33
Review helpers naming and usage
#176 opened by samdark - 3
SOLID compliance
#185 opened by omsi668 - 7
Standard `tests/bootstrap.php`
#128 opened by hiqsol - 2
- 12
- 1
can't visit yii forum site
#171 opened by callmez - 3
wrong Theme ref in test file
#107 opened by axtho - 7
Enhancement: StringHelper::isEmpty()
#166 opened by np25071984 - 2
Discuss: Do we still need controllers?
#165 opened by np25071984 - 1
- 2
\yii\base\Application constructor parameter
#152 opened by fcaldarelli - 2
#154 opened by gudufy - 3
Debug code in Model?
#148 opened by alex-code - 17
- 1
Code coverage fails with PHP 7.3
#141 opened by samdark - 1
developing Casbin instead yiisoft/rbac
#140 opened by jk2K - 1
How to use module in yii3
#135 opened by jk2K - 4
Missing yii3 docs reference in official website
#117 opened by fcaldarelli - 9
Packages name convention
#120 opened by fcaldarelli - 4
yii\web\Linkable missing
#125 opened by fcaldarelli - 24
Complex app structure
#119 opened by fcaldarelli - 2
Development checklist
#122 opened by fcaldarelli - 0
Make MessageSource abstract
#99 opened by viktorprogger - 4
Can't install package with composer
#100 opened by schmunk42 - 1
Split ActiveQuery
#53 opened by SamMousa - 4
Add `Jsonable` interface
#51 opened by rustamwin