- 1
Jquery in current yii1.1.30 is out of date with security issues. Looking to upgrade Jquery and JqueryUI
#4574 opened by CrazyMoka - 0
CArrayDataProvider cast sort field to strlower issue
#4573 opened by sveneld - 7
include(Throwable.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
#4572 opened by omerbottlethreesixty - 12
yiiGridView pagination stops working on ajax request
#4570 opened by Skalin - 12
PHP 8.3 Compatibility
#4552 opened by sandippingle - 1
#4564 opened by loiczam - 0
update root folder links
#4559 opened by Arhell - 1
update framework folder links
#4557 opened by Arhell - 0
update links
#4555 opened by Arhell - 1
Upgrading to version 1.1.17+ broke my routes.
#4542 opened by trigger202 - 10
PHAN checks
#4533 opened by mdeweerd - 6
Deprecated dynamic properties in yii\framework\gii\components\Pear\Text\Diff\Engine\native.php .
#4534 opened by mdeweerd - 5
CActiveRecord: __construct(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($flags) of type int is deprecated
#4539 opened by rija - 1
Regression with MariaDB 10.5.1+ with old temporal types in CDbColumnSchema $dbType
#4517 opened by marcovtwout - 7
after php 7.2-fix for CHttpCacheFilter::sendCacheControlHeader: last-modified-headers are overwritten
#4484 opened by jannis701 - 4
Call to undefined method ReflectionUnionType::getName() in CConsoleCommand.php
#4518 opened by aztechowski - 2
- 12
Limit and Offset not working correctly with MSSQL
#4491 opened by Shnoulle - 1
CMssqlColumnSchema - error when default column value is SQL SERVER system functions
#4513 opened by advicente - 2
Bad escaping caracter for SQL server when use compare
#4512 opened by Shnoulle - 4
oci8 schema adapter returns null for 'KEY' field in column info which causes strpos deprecation error
#4499 opened by johnrembo - 9
PostgreSQL 15.0 forward compatibility issue
#4490 opened by sternix - 5
PHP 8.1 - setcookie(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($value) of type string is deprecated
#4507 opened by aztechowski - 1
PHP 8.2 Compatibility
#4505 opened by wtommyw - 10
- 1
Argument 2 in number_format does not accept null
#4506 opened by paalg - 1
CI tests failing
#4504 opened by marcovtwout - 3
Fatal error: Uncaught CDbException: The table "tablename" for active record class "TablenameRecord" cannot be found in the database.
#4498 opened by alexius - 7
- 2
Use of undefined constant id / CGridView widget
#4494 opened by tonykor - 1
strftime function is deprecated in php 8.1 and used in requirements/index.php getServerInfo
#4492 opened by kristian-94 - 6
Release 1.1.26
#4458 opened by twisted1919 - 5
PHP version support is not explicit enough in docs
#4487 opened by sparkcodeuk - 0
broken link xcache
#4482 opened by Arhell - 0
broken links
#4470 opened by Arhell - 2
PHP 8.1 CPgsqlSchema error stripos(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated
#4456 opened by JonathanArgentao - 0
update links
#4454 opened by Arhell - 6 domain no longer working
#4452 opened by Arhell - 0
update yii link
#4451 opened by Arhell - 1
update apache link
#4443 opened by Arhell - 1
update daringfireball link
#4445 opened by Arhell - 1
update link
#4447 opened by Arhell - 1
update sqlite link
#4449 opened by Arhell - 0
update yii site links
#4441 opened by Arhell - 1
The select field does not work
#4440 opened by KajetanDudczak - 0
update zh_tw lang links
#4438 opened by Arhell - 0
update zh_cn lang links
#4436 opened by Arhell - 0
update vi lang links
#4434 opened by Arhell - 0
update uk lang links
#4432 opened by Arhell - 0
update sv lang links
#4430 opened by Arhell