- 8
- 0
Provide support for twig yielding
#157 opened by diffy0712 - 2
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Call to undefined function twig_get_attribute()").
#153 opened by stovesy - 0
update src folder links
#151 opened by Arhell - 0
update tests folder links
#149 opened by Arhell - 0
update docs folder links
#147 opened by Arhell - 0
update src folder links
#145 opened by Arhell - 0
update github folder link
#143 opened by Arhell - 0
update irc link
#141 opened by Arhell - 0
- 1
- 0
PHP 8.1 support
#133 opened by sircovsw - 1
- 6
The $context arg in render don't preserve the "internal context" in a double call of render
#128 opened by ivan-redooc - 4
twig and i18n
#116 opened by rauwebieten - 3
Twig_Extension_Debug extension doesn't Work
#129 opened by freetibet000 - 5
Сan't call a static method of the model
#130 opened by nepster-web - 3
Is there any other way use static classes in twig file without adding globals?
#127 opened by odilov-sh - 3
- 0
Implement form_ methods like in Symfony
#107 opened by freezy-sk - 3
Use the method in the template error
#98 opened by mro1127 - 0
Unify globals examples in docs
#99 opened by schmunk42 - 2
Incompatible with Twig 2.7.2
#115 opened by nnrudakov - 1
HtmlHelperExtension not work
#103 opened by falkolab - 2
Mail twig templates
#120 opened by rauwebieten - 3
- 3
Template class completely broken
#113 opened by hofrob - 1
register_asset_bundle not working
#108 opened by durban89 - 6
Class 'Twig_Loader_Filesystem' not found
#100 opened by plash29 - 4
Would you be interested in a TwigValidator?
#102 opened by SamMousa - 6
UPGRADE for PHP 7 and Twig 2
#92 opened by samdark - 6
Twig extension very slow when using alias
#72 opened by yii-bot - 0
Use twig layouts
#94 opened by antgubarev - 3
#90 opened by antgubarev - 2
Adding custom twig extensions
#89 opened by ivkremer - 2
Error in docs in Template Syntax -> URLs
#88 opened by Aleksey203 - 0
Path aliases
#87 opened by antgubarev - 1
No errors when using non-existing variable
#82 opened by koxu1996 - 0
- 1
Error in documentation
#76 opened by Sampa - 4
Enh #43 Break compatibility?
#74 opened by Insolita - 2
Tag a release
#73 opened by schmunk42 - 5
wrong documentation installation
#68 opened by antgubarev - 5
Using `this.registerJsFile`
#70 opened by egorsmkv - 1
- 4
A lean fork
#64 opened by antichris - 1
- 6
url() and path() seem to be broken
#59 opened by Kolyunya - 1
Including templates for other directory
#58 opened by amorev - 4
Problem with Include helper
#55 opened by seisvalt