A simple and interesting Framework7 hybrid app.With PhoneGap you can easily convert it to native iOS app.
HiApp is also written in React Native. BelinChung/react-native-hiapp
Unlike PhoneGap/Cordova, React Native provides bindings for native UI controls which totally outclass HTML-based hybrid solutions. so it is simple to write high-performance UI by React Native.
HiApp use different build tools to build the same project, Hope it will helps you select a suitable build tool.
at origin/masterfis3
at origin/fis3[DEPRECATED] grunt
at origin/grunt
- cordova
- framework7
HiApp use npm
to manage third-party packages now.
Then install all dependencies, in repo's root:
$ npm install
Install the cordova module using npm utility of Node.js.
$ npm install -g cordova
Go to the directory where you maintain your source code, and run a command such as the following:
$ cordova create hiapp com.hiapp.hiapp HiApp
Because the PhoneGap app directory should not already exist, so check out the HiApp source code in this step.
$ cd hiapp
$ git init
$ git remote add origin https://github.com/BelinChung/HiApp.git
$ git pull origin master
$ git reset --hard origin/master
Before you can build the project, you need to specify a set of target platforms.
$ cordova platform add ios
You need to add plugins that provide access to core Cordova APIs.
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist cordova-plugin-camera cordova-plugin-geolocation cordova-plugin-file-transfer cordova-plugin-inappbrowser cordova-plugin-network-information
Run the following command to iteratively build the project:
$ cordova build ios
Double-click to open the platforms/ios/HiApp.xcodeproj
Press the Run
button to deploy the application in the emulator
HiApp use webpack browser sync server to develop, Just run it in repo's root:
$ npm run dev
WebApp will be available on http://localhost:3000/
$ npm run build
The result is available in www/
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Belin Chung. MIT Licensed, see LICENSE for details.