0. How to build and run my solution

i. First you need to install Go on your PC/Laptop

Step 1:

Use this official link: https://golang.org/doc/install to download according to your platform. The Go version I used here is "go version go1.10.3 darwin/amd64", which can be checked after installation with command go version.

Step 2 (Crucial):

After the installation, make sure you create the workspace directory, which can be $HOME/go. Under the workspace directory, create a src folder, all your Go source codes shoud go here. (This is very crucial due to the way Go manages packages and source codes)

Step 3 (Optional but recommended):

You can follow the Test your installation part in the offcial link to test if your installation is successful.

ii. After the installation and to build my solution

Step 1: create a new folder under the $HOME/go/src directory

Step 2: Do the git init, git pull ... using this GitHub repo

Step 3: Once you have main.go, rest.go, maze.go in your folder, go build *.go will give you an executable named main.

Step 4: To run the executable, ./main

Step 5: You should see a prompt on your command-line tool "Mission starts."

1. Module explanation

The file contains 3 .go files, main, rest, and maze

main.go contains the main logic of the program, which starts a timer, prints a starting prompt, and gives a summary report when the maze is solved.

rest.go contains all the functions that make HTTP requests

maze.go contains the loop that runs DFS algorithm to solve the maze