YAXX - Yet Another XML eXtension to Bison
= Source files =
- Makefile -- the makefile
- bison/data/yacc-$X.c -- the source file taken from bison-$X/data/yacc.c
- bison/data/yaxx-$Y-bison-$X.c -- the file version $Y patched on yacc-$X.c
- yaxx/yaxx.xsl -- XSL transformation for YAXX parsing tree
= Example Grammars =
- ada95/ -- Ada 95
- ansic/ -- ANSI C, see Yu et al. ICSM'05 paper
- bibtex2-0.95/ -- BibTeX, see Yu et al. Literature Programming paper
- csharp/ -- C#, see Akiki et al. ICSE'14, TSE'16, TOCHI'17 papers
- fortran/ -- Fortran 77, see Yu et al. ICPP'00, VL'00, JVLC'01, ICPP'04 papers
- gcc-3.4.0/ -- GCC, see Yu et al. FASE'05 and ICSM'05 papers
- java/ -- Java, see Yu et al. ASE'11 paper and ICSE'12 paper, Butler et al. WCRE'09, ECOOP'11, ICSME'15 paper
- nfr/ -- Non-functional Requirements, see Giorgini et al ER'02 and Mylopoulos et al. TSE'91 papers
- php/ -- PHP, see Yu et al. RE'04, RE'05, RE'07 papers and Candillon et al.'s APDT tool: https://code.google.com/archive/p/apdt/
- sql/ -- SQL, see Zhang et al. VLDB'04, Lu et al. WIRI'05 paper
- telos/ -- Telos, a knowledge representation language underlying ConceptBase, see http://conceptbase.sourceforge.net
- xml/ -- XML, see Yu et al. SPE'03, Lapouchnian et al. CASCON'06, BPM'07, Yu et al. ICWS'08 papers
= Documentation =
- docs/Makefile -- makefile
- docs/Doxyfile -- doxygen input
- docs/changelog.xml -- docbook chapter
- docs/manual.xml -- docbook chapter
- docs/readme.xml -- docbook chapter
- docs/requirements.xml -- docbook chapter
-- Yijun Yu