
This is a template for a workflow. It is meant to be used as a starting point for a new workflow.

Overall Workflow

The workflow is based on GitHub Actions that triggered by the actions including PR/Commit, Manual, Schedule, etc. it is composed of several stages, including PR/Commit Check, Test, Maintainance, Publish, etc. with template files defined in the workflow directory. The sample folder includes a simple CDK project including test cases that used for the demonstration of overall workflow functionality.



  1. Create a new repository from this template
  2. Copy the files from the workflow directory to the root of your repository
  3. Execute the workflow script to start the workflow

There are typical stage for a workflow. You can add or remove stages as you need. The scripts are executed in the order of PR/Commit Check, Test (UT/ST/IT), Maintainance, Publish or on demand.

PR/Commit Check

The PR/Commit Check stage is executed when a PR is created or a commit is pushed to the repository, to gurarantee the code quality according to the rules defined in the scripts.


The Test stage can be execute manually or automatically. It is used to test the actual deployed Amplify/REST API by using Postman/Newman. The Unit Test scripts are defined in the test directory while the Integration Test scripts are defined in the postman collection.


The Maintainance stage mainly used to update the dependencies of the project for security reasons, and operate the PR lifecycle.


The Publish stage is used to publish the CloudFormation template to S3 bucket and generate implementation guide for the solution with use of MKDocs.

Other Reference