Micro Cinema

Cinema in your telegram voice chat

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  • Python 3.10
  • ffmpeg
  • youtube-dl (if you want youtube support)


Clone the repo and setup environment:

$ git clone https://github.com/yilbegan/micro-cinema.git && cd micro-cinema
$ python3.10 -m venv ./venv
$ source ./venv/bin/activate
$ pip install poetry
$ poetry install

Get your api_id and api_hash here and log in to the account where you want to launch the bot:

# You can skip this step and use your pyrogram session+json if you have one.
# Just put them into ./account and rename to cinema.session and metadata.cinema.json
$ python -m cinema.login

Create config and edit it in any text editor:

$ cp config.yaml.example config.yaml

Now you can launch your cinema:

$ python -m cinema


Command Permission Description
/movies Anyone List all available movies.
/movies inspect {movie_id} Anyone Show detaled info about movie.
/bookmarks Anyone Show bookmarks in this chat
/movies update Admin Update movies from config
/cache {movie_id} {episode} Admin Download episode to improve playback quality
/play {movie_id} {episode} Moderator Play the movie. Episode defaults to first.
/play bookmark {bookmark_id} Moderator Start from the bookmark.
/join {chat} Moderator Join chat. Supported t.me/* and @chat_name.
/stop Moderator Stop current movie.
/stop save Moderator Stop and create bookmark.