Car Leasing Platform

The Car-lease Platform API is a REST API that enables you to keep client information, vehicle versions, and other broker-related data.

Customer data consists of Name Street Housenumber
Zipcode Place Emailaddress Phonenumber

Car data consists of Make Model Version Numberofdoors CO2-emission Grossprice Nettprice

Each Car has LeaseRate and it consists of mileage,duration,interestrate.

Lease rate is calculating as following,


API Reference

Postman Collection provided in the project.



How To Run Application

In order to use the API, you should get JWT token. First, you should call register endpoint. After having JWT, you should call 'authenticate' endpoint. With JWT token, you can be able to call APIs.

Tech Stack

Technologies: Java 17, Spring Boot , Docker, Junit, Mockito, Integration Test, Spring Security, JWT token, h2 database.


  • Add/Update/Delete Customer
  • Add/Update/Delete Car
  • Calculate Lease Rate when saving/updating the car.