Starknet-Specs Milestone

Project Overview

This repository tracks the progress of the Starknet-Specs project. It highlights key milestones and weekly progress over a three-month period.


The core purpose of Starknet-Specs is to assist developers in easily understanding the operational mechanisms of Starknet at the protocol level. Therefore, Starknet-Specs will describe the Starknet protocol in a standardized document format. Additionally, we will write a series of articles explaining how major projects, such as Pathfinder, implement this protocol to help developers better master the Starknet protocols.

Below is an outline of the planning goals for Starknet-Specs, initially focusing on protocols related to core types and nodes, followed by bridges, and finally mechanisms and ZK verifier:

  • Data structures

    • Transaction
    • World State
  • Nodes

    • System Config
    • Execution Engine - Starknet OS
    • Carro VM, such like the opcodes, syscalls, etc.
    • Rollup Node
      • Rollup Node and Sequencer
      • Rollup Node and Ethereum
      • Rollup Node P2P
    • Sequencer
      • Block production
      • Block propagation
  • Bridges

    • Deposits
    • Withdrawals
  • Mechanisms

    • State diff
    • Fee market
    • Block finality
    • Batch proof
    • ...
  • ZK Verifier

    • Setup
    • Proof
    • Verifier contracts

Update Frequency

  • Project updates occur bi-weekly.
  • Briefings on work conducted during the period are placed in the weekly-update directory.

Milestone Overview

Duration: Three months, totaling 12 weeks.

Disclaimer: All current milestones represent preliminary plans. The official agenda will be finalized with details before Week 4. However, it is important to note that these timelines are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control that may arise during the execution of tasks.

Weeks 1-2

  • Dive deep into existing documentation and code architecture.
  • Complete the design frameworks for summaries and glossaries.
  • Complete all preliminary supplements, such as:
    • What is Ethereum scalability?
    • What is a zk rollup?
    • Protocol Guarantee
    • General Terms

Weeks 3-4

  • Data structures

    • Transaction
    • World State
  • Nodes

    • Rollup Node
      • Rollup Node and Sequencer
      • Rollup Node and Ethereum
      • Rollup Node P2P
    • Sequencer
      • Block production
      • Block propagation

Weeks 5-7

  • Nodes
    • System Config
    • Execution Engine - Starknet OS
    • Carro VM, such like the opcodes, syscalls, etc.

Weeks 8-9

  • Bridges

    • Deposits
    • Withdrawals
  • Mechanisms

    • State diff
    • Fee market
    • Block finality
    • Batch proof
    • ...

Weeks 10-11

  • ZK Verifier
    • Setup
    • Proof
    • Verifier contracts

Week 12

  • Review any unfinished parts and other tasks, to be added to the To-Do List.