This is a simple MQTT client on node.js The lib is still under developing. Author: FAN Yilun @ CEIT API Event: ‘sessionOpened’ Fired when a session with broker is opened sucesffully. Event: ‘mqttData’ Fired when data is available for client, topic and payload have been extracted from data. client.addListener(‘mqttData’, function(topic, payload){ }); Event: ‘openSessionFailed’ Fired when a session can not be established. Event: ‘connectTimeOut’ Fired when cant establish a connection with server. MQTTClient(port, host, clientID); Construct a instance of mqtt client. @port: port number, like 1883. @host: server ip address. @clientID: client name for server. subscribe(sub_topic); Subscribe to a topic. @sub_topic: topic to be subscribed. publish(pub_topic, msg); Publish messages to a topic. @pub_topic: publish topics. @msg: payload data, can be anything, string, bytes. disconnect(); Disconnect with server.