
Simple PUBSUB server over TCP/IP for Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


PubSubServer is a Node.js module that provides a very simple PUBSUB server over TCP/IP. There is no pattern-based subscriptions, store-and-forward, nor any sort of "exchange". Included is a Node.js client that speaks the protocol.

If you'd like to use this from the web, consider Orbited or adding support for Socket.IO.

System Requirements

Tested with Node.js 0.1.95.


bin/pubsub-server [--port=8000] [--host=]


In a terminal:

$ bin/pubsub-server 

In another terminal:

$ bin/create-publisher 
published to 0 subscribers
published to 0 subscribers
published to 1 subscribers             <-- connection (below)
published to 1 subscribers
published to 1 subscribers
published to 0 subscribers
published to 0 subscribers

In yet another terminal:

$ bin/create-subscriber 
recv msg from client "client.1a" on channel "time": 1274727085985
recv msg from client "client.1a" on channel "time": 1274727086985
recv msg from client "client.1a" on channel "time": 1274727087985


-> :pub\t$chan\t$msg\r\n          publish message to channel
<- :n\r\n                         delivered to n subscribers

<- :msg\t$chan\t$from\t$msg\r\n   sent to a subscriber on 'pub'

-> :sub\t$chan\r\n                subscribe to a channel
<- :0\r\n or :1\r\n

-> :unsub\t$chan\r\n              unsubscribe from a channel
<- :0\r\n or :1\r\n

-> :nick\t$nickname\r\n           set a user-defined nickname
<- :0\r\n or :1\r\n

-> :chan\r\n                      list channels with subscribers
<- :n\r\n                         n lines follow

-> :info\r\n                      get server metadata
<- :n\r\n                         n lines follow
protocol \d+\r\n                  protocol version
node x.y.z\r\n                    Node.js version
channels \d+\r\n                  number of channels
up \d+\r\n                        epoch time of launch