
Strings files for Redacted

Primary LanguageC

Redacted i18n

All of the strings files for Redacted.


Each language has its own .lproj folder. Inside are several .strings files:

Name Description
iOS Description.txt App Store description for iOS app
iOS InfoPlist.strings Strings used by the system for the iOS app
iOS.Strings Strings used in the iOS app
Keywords.txt App Store keywords for both apps (must be less than 100 characters)
macOS Description.txt App Store description for macOS app
macOS Release Notes.markdown What’s new in each version of the macOS app
macOS.strings Strings used in the macOS app
Shared.strings Strings used in both apps


If you’d like to contribute a localization, thank you! ❤️

There are a few types of files: .strings, .txt, and .markdown. For .txt and .markdown, translate the whole thing.

Strings Files

.strings files are a little more complicated. Here’s a simple excerpt in English:

/* Modes */
"MODE" = "Mode";
"PIXELATE" = "Pixelate";
"BLUR" = "Blur";
"BLACK_BAR" = "Black Bar";

Here it is in French:

/* Modes */
"MODE" = "Mode";
"PIXELATE" = "Pixéliser";
"BLUR" = "Brouiller";
"BLACK_BAR" = "Barre de censure";

You can see the /* Modes */ doesn’t get translated. This is simply a comment for the localizers to read. The left side of the equal sign is the key. Don’t change this! The right side is where you can change the English into your language. Be sure to keep the semicolon after the closing quote.

Here’s another example:

"VERSION_FORMAT" = "Version %@";

The %@ is a placeholder. The app will replace this with some text while it’s running. In English, this will look something like "Version 1.2". If you wanted the number to come before the word in your language, simply move the %@ to the front. Don’t change the order of %@ though.


Here are some quick tips:

  • Make sure you do each file.
  • Don’t localize keys in strings files.
  • Don’t localize comments in the strings files. (They look /* like this */.)
  • Run the tests to check your work. Simple run rake in this directory.
  • Open a PR when you’re ready.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions about a string’s usage, need help opening a pull request, or anything else. Thanks again!


Huge thanks to all of the volunteers that have helped localize Redacted!




Simplified Chinese