
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


redistricing-tools is a set of Python scripts for use with US legislative redistricting.


Use the package manager pip to install redistricting-tools.

pip3 install redistricting-tools


# Nest House districts into Senate districts. See examples in the nestings folder.
# nestings.csv          First column is the senate district and each following column is a nested house district.
nest-districts [-h] blocks.csv nestings.csv output-senate-blocks.csv

# Combine two maps. If there are BLOCKID collisions, warnings are given for the districts in source-two.csv
# that already have set the same BLOCKIDs in source-one.csv
combine-districts [-h] source-one.csv source-two.csv output-blocks.csv

# Remove districts from a map. Useful to create non-overlapping maps to combine using combine-districts
remove-districts [-h] (--remove REMOVE | --keep KEEP) blocks.csv output-blocks.csv


Pull requests are welcome.



Deploy instructions

python3 setup.py bdist_wheel sdist
twine upload dist/*