Pinyin Keyboard Author: YIN Dian Project Homepage: Pinyin Keyboard (abbr: pinyinkey) is an auxiliary tool for inputing Pinyin with tone markers. It works like an IME, but actually not --- you can only input toned Pinyin within the program's GUI window, not in other applications. The GUI is simple, as it is not designed to be a functional complete text editor, but simply an auxiliary tool allowing you to input toned Pinyin and copy them to other locations you want. This project is inspired by the telex input method for Vietnamese, and originated from my attempt on, a simple formatter for toned Pinyin, which was first publicized at the colledge BBS[1]. Then I found using the CLI tool is rather painful and wrote a simple GUI afterwards. As time goes I then implemented Vietnamese input and improved what I've done from time to time. Now the tool natively supports the input of Chinese Pinyin and Vietnamese. The input rule is simple: just specify the tone using the tone marker in any place after the first vowel in the syllable to get the syllable toned. The rules are specified in rule files, and they are quite straightforward and easy to modify for your own need. I think it makes the input of romanization transliterations of various Chinese dialects much easier:) Enough now, so just run and enjoy yourselves! Reference: [1]: